I was Cuckolded

I was Cuckolded

I was Cuckolded:

I was Cuckolded...and LOVED it!

We had a big party at the house and Doreen (my wife) invited a couple, old friends of hers, who drove up from San Francisco to our house in the Tahoe area...they were to stay the night after everyone else went home. Well, we all drank like fish, and at the end of the night we ended up in bed together. It was fun, but didn't last long, as he couldn't perform and my wife was drunk and complaining about it. She was also upset with me for fucking her girlfriend pretty hard right next to her on the bed. I ended up having to go to a friend's to avoid world war three. Well --that left the three of them home. The other wife went to bed drunk and her husband proceeded to fuck my wife silly for more than two hours. When he was done, she called me on my cell phone and told me she'd just been fucked and came in three times --and "I could come home now."

Man did I race home. I came into the bedroom and promptly stripped and dove between her legs. She was swollen and salty and cum-filled and I licked her clean, then got inside her pretty blonde pussy and came within about 30 seconds. I mounted her twice more while she told me the details of her tryst. It was wonderful! These pictures aren't from that night, but show you what a sweet blond she is. I can't wait to be a cuckold again. The bigger, the better!

I LOVE being cuckolded! What a thrill!

I'm at surma138 @ hotmail.com if you'd care to write me. Thanks for letting me tell my story! - John

I was Cuckolded

I was Cuckolded


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