My Horny Wife

My Horny Wife

My Horny Wife

My wife and I have been long time readers and have used the stories here as foreplay. My wife loves it and I love the result! Recently we had an experience we'd like to share but I'll let her say something first.

WIFE - Hi there. I love the stories and just wanted to say thanks. We have some pictures and a story that happened to us recently that I'll let my husband tell since he says I don't tell it right (I emailed it to someone we had been in contact with who is in our network) and then I'll say something again when he's done.

HUSBAND - My wife and I had an in depth discussion about the whole idea of having another man join us and please her and it turns out, she is very turned on by the idea. It makes her very horny to know that both of us want her at the same time. She admitted that she has always thought about what it would be like to have sex with another guy.

So far she has not agreed to go full out but suggested that if the moment was right she would definetly like to give him a blow job while I watched but also admitted that she would like for him to go down on her as well but she isn't sure she is ready to go that far. She also added that if she is having a good time things could go further.

On Saturday AM she suggested we set up a time for him to come over for dinner and drinks. It is a guy we met online who we both chatted with and were both satisfied with. He seemed very nice and sincere. I have explained what might or might not happen and he couldn't wait and neither could I.

Since the morning we have been at each other every chance we get. She is even more wild in bed than ever before. She even asked me to do her with one of our larger dildos while she sucks me off.

However, she still warned me that it might never happen and it would be up to her to make the first move, either through extreme flirting or flat out making a move on him.

I didn't want to get my expectations up too high but I was crossing my fingers.

The night came and it didn't go like I "thought" it would but it was very erotic anyway.

He arrived a little late, we went into the den. She was dressed casually in a pair of white capris and a pink T. Everything was as normal as any evening except that we knew what might happen. We had some music in the backround and sat around the bar. I served the drinks but they weren't strong. I didn't want anyone getting too drunk, including myself.

It seems she wasn't sure how start things. We didn't set a time limit but it wasn't until 12:00 or later when it started. They had been flirting heavily as ususal. He left for the bathroom when she finally gave me the signal. She looked at me with a smile and said she was going to take a shower. My heart started to race, I felt like I was going to faint. I've never fainted before.

He came back to the bar and sat down, I told him she was taking a shower and asked him if he was still in. He was definitly still in!

Remembering what she asked me to do, we both headed for the bedroom to wait for her. It seemed like an eternity lying there, lying naked next to a guy I've known for a few hours. My heart was still poundng in my chest. Then I heard the bathroom door open.

She slowly opened the door and looked in. She smiled but didn't say a word. She was wearing a burgundy towel that hung just above the knee. Her hair was down but still dry. She sat down between us on the edge of the bed facing slightly more toward him. She reached across and started stroking his dick. As she did so she turned and took me into her mouth. After a moment she stopped and started blowing him. This was hotter than I had imagined.

It wasn't long when he told her he wanted to eat her pussy. So I moved and she laid back on the bed still covered with the towel but it had seperated So you could see her pussy but not her tits. He reached down and removed it to expose her entire naked body. Then she reached down and rubbed her clit, this drove me wild. I didn't expect she would do that for someone other than me.

It was awesome to see her spread in front of me getting oral sex from another man. She was enjoying herself as much as I had hoped. Then she looked over at me and said she wanted me inside her. I asked her to get into the doggy while sucking him off. This was the position I had always imagined. It was wild, we were all having a great time.

When we swithed I had expected that he and I would change positions but she asked him to stay where he was and straddled him while she reached down and jerked me off. Standard girl on top is her favorite position. She can cum in about 60 seconds if she wants to. And that is what she did. She started to go slow the first 20 seconds. The she began to go crazy and in no time she had an intense orgasm as I watched.

Then he jokes that he's glad she stopped because he didn't think he could have held on much longer and he wasn't ready to finish yet. We all chuckled and it seemed to make things more relaxed.

We laid there side by side for a few seconds so I made the move to get on top of her and make sure that wasn't her last orgasm. He is a serious titty lover so he started up top while I entered her and started pound her as hard as I ever did before. Honestly, for a moment, I felt like a porn star.

I was on top but I had to stop because I was afraid I would cum so I laid back and watched once again. Then I reached over and started to rub her clit. I wanted to lick her but I wasn't sure on going so close to him with my mouth. Either way, it really worked because she started really grinding him and he started to cum and pulled out. I remember that he started to jerk him self. By now I had stopped rubbing her clit but she had started. Yup, that was hot too. We agreed he would cum outside her even though he was wearing the condom.

We then moved once again to the doggy style. It only took me about 2 minutes before I finished deep inside her while he watched. She then laid down on her belly between us.

No one spoke for what seemed like 10 minutes. Then he made a funny remark and we all laughed. She went to get dressed in the bathroom while we dressed.

After we all freshened up we went back to the den and watched T.V. and had a drink. We didn't speak much about what happened but when we left around 1:30am he thanked us and said he had a really good time. We both agreed and he left in a cab.

We had a great time and there is no jealousy on my part. We've had a quicky once since and it was very hot but honestly no hotter than other times. I even recieved a quick blow job this morning.

I was suprised with how short it was. For some reason, I assumed it would be longer, only 30 minutes top. I wish is was. I would like more foreplay, more oral for both of us next time. We may have rushed through it. There are more things I would like to try but we 're gonna take it slow.

We'll do it again in a few months. We can live off of the memories of the last one. It still gives me a hard on when I think about it.

WIFE - Ok ... so maybe he does tell it better LOL. Just him telling it and me watching him type got me flush all over again. On the last board we typed our condensed version of the story people asked us and invited us to their place but as hubby said MAYBE we'll try this again in a few months so for now we are just taking it easy. We don't want emails please. They also asked us where we found the guy. For those interested I found him using AFF exclusively and with very good results. We met really nice people there.

How it works...yes, as soon as you invite someone into your friends network and they accept, they have access to any and all private albums, your blogs, etc. Also, you will be displayed as one of their friends to anybody who views their profile. In this sense, you'll be associated with this person (something to consider). There are a lot of people who will judge you based on who your "friends" are, and they'll assume that's somebody you're having sex with, or would have sex with.

Picture-collectors and random non-swinging people, guys looking for free porn, go around AFF sending network/friends invitations just to get into your albums. Our policy: We never invite anybody into our network or accept network invitations without exchanging emails first and deciding that we are interested enough to pursue meeting these people. Then we invite them into our network or accept their network invitation.

When people invite you and you don't know who they are, you can first read their profile. If you want to know more about them before you accept the friends/network invitation, you can just select "Decline". Decline their invitation, and then write them a brief email saying that you enjoyed seeing their profile, but you'd like to get to know more about them first, etc. Otherwise if you're just not interested at all, click "Decline", and don't say anything to them. You don't owe them an explanation - they didn't even bother to write to you.

If you want to get rid of strangers who are already in your friends network, it's very easy. From your home page, click on "Our Friends Network" and then the hyperlink for "View All Friends". Here, they're organized in a list with checkmark boxes. Checkmark the boxes of people you want to take off your list (and block from your albums), scroll down and click "Remove Checked". They'll no longer have access to your albums, and you will no longer appear on their friends list.

Also important to know: Everyone who sees your profile will see all of your friends displayed, unless you choose an option to keep your friends private. We do this for discretion (it's nobody's business who we see or talk to). It seems that very few people on AFF do this! If you want to do this, click on "Our Account" (at the top of your home page), then click "Profile Page Preferences". Scroll down and click on "keep my network friends private". There are other privacy setting options here, too.

Here is the very first part of our profile on AFF, to show you how we handle keeping the picture-collectors from bothering us with network invitations (this works like a charm, by the way):

Network/Friends Invitation- Please don't invite us until after you've emailed and we've talked about our mutual interests. Thanks.

Pictures- If you write, please have pics on your profile, or attach some face and body pics to your email, or have pics in your friends network to share - in clothes or not. Nudity not necessary, send whatever you're comfy with (as long as it's you and it's current).

About Us- Pics of both of us, faces included, are in our network album. We'll share these after we've emailed. We enjoy....(etc.)

And that's basically it. Now for you guys at THE CUCKOLDVIDEOCLIPS BLOG we have attached a few new pictures of me and then we decided to go out back and have me take some there, outside since it is more public and fun. I enjoyed that too and still don't know if anyone saw me. That's the thrill though! Thanks for a great site and for letting us showcase our sex life. I hope we haven't gone on too long. - HornyWife

My Horny Wife

My Horny Wife

My Horny Wife

My Horny Wife


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