Interracial Stories


Cheryl Fucks the Roofers       Cuckold Story

BY: Cheryl

The two young college kids who cleaned our driveway never did come back to do the lanai, so this weekend Jerry and I rented a pressure cleaner from Home Depot and tried to do it ourselves. Wow, what a job that was! When we finished we took our usual swim before returning the machine to the store.

As usual, we swam in the nude, completely unaware that the people next door were having their roof repaired. Naturally, if we had looked up we would have seen the two black men and knowing they were there might have put on suits. I say might as we still enjoy shocking people with our nudity.

When we finished and were relaxing on our chaise lounges and drying off the two black guys came to our screen enclosure and asked if we wanted our roof checked for needed repairs since Tropical Storm Henri had just passed through in the past few days. Jerry told them no, that everything was fine and that he thanked them for the inquiry. He was smiling when he told them that as he knew they didn't want to take no for an answer and they enjoyed looking at me in the nude.

Now I just had some minor plastic surgery a couple of weeks ago for an eye lift and I don't look normal just yet and I felt that I was unattractive, ( kind of like a deer caught in headlights ). The two black guys seemed a lot more interested in my tits and bush than my eyes and opened the door to come in and look for themselves to see if there was any sign of a leak in the lanai roof. That was all I needed to start to lubricate as I noticed the tents in the guys torn shorts.


Nothing looked out of order and they were about to leave when one of them, I think his name was Tyrone asked if they could use our outdoor shower to cool off from the roof work. Jerry said, "sure, you can even use my towel".

Then he tossed it to Tyrone and Tyrone took off his shorts and stepped under the shower completely nude and I pretended to go back to innocently reading my magazine.

When Tyrone finished his friend also stripped and took a shower using the same towel and then neither of them bothered to get their shorts back on again but came over and started talking to us like we were old friends, telling us how hot they got on the roof etc.. Even the shower which is cold water didn't cause either of their erections to go down and they continued to stare at my tits until I finally asked them just what they wanted. It was obvious but I just had to ask.

Tyrone said that they sure liked white pussy, but hadn't had any for awhile and would I be interested. I could hardly keep a straight face as I assured them that I never had done anything like that and wouldn't know how to go about it. With that Jerry disappeared inside and I knew he was getting set up in the closet with his camera in case I agreed to it.

Since they wouldn't leave and I knew that Jerry was anxious and ready I told them to follow me into the house where we could be more comfortable. This time I decided to tease Jerry and instead of taking them to the bedroom where he was waiting to watch, I took them into the family room and leaned over the back of the couch and told Tyrone to see if he could still handle white pussy. It seemed he sure remembered as he licked my clit and tongued around my pussy, fingered me to get me ready and then before I was ready he sank his big black dick all the way in to the base of his dick. I never got a good close up look but it seemed he was about 8 or 9 inches long and fairly thick so it was a good fuck. He pounded away while his friend was stroking his dick just inches from my face. I knew he wanted a blowjob so I motioned him over and took his slightly smaller dick into my mouth and ran my lips all up and down his shaft before deep-throating him. His reaction was, " don't tell me you never done this before you white ho as this is the best I ever had."

About that time Jerry came into the room holding his camcorder and Tyrone shot his load in my pussy and the other guy whose name I never learned, shriveled up and he pulled out before getting off. Jerry told them that it was okay with him, but they said they had another job lined up and had to be leaving anyway.

Jerry had to finish the job on me as I hadn't cum yet, but we went back to the bedroom where it was more comfortable. Jerry was just a little upset that I had screwed him out of his usual voyeur role, but you would never have know it from the hardness of his dick. That is why I called this a short one.

Cheryl & Jerry

Tampa, Florida


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