Having read your letter I think it is about time I told others that I and my 2 brothers and 3 sisters are the product of cuckold breeding. My “parents” were farmers and it was just after the war, food shortages. From the age of 5 I can remember hiding in the hay loft with two older boys watching the celebrations of the September harvest. When all was gathered in a party was held in the barn for the men that helped with harvest, after the casual workers left just the 3 regular hands and my mother tool all their cloths off (at the time I was caught I had witnessed this 4 or 5 times I’d be about 10 years old at the time it was explained as a wrestling match and they took their cloth‘s off to prevent being ruined). When in fact she was soundly fucked, I was In My 20s when I found out my Dad was not my Biological Farther, but with a limited explanation and the memories I had I pieced it all together and realised we were all born June, 9 months after harvest. I my self was Born in the June of 1948 and with gaps of between 2 and 3 years we all were born in the month of June Conceived at the after Harvest Celebration. I told my wife the stories during our first few years of marriage, it was during our first harvest after over the farm in 1978 that my wife asked if we could reintroduced the tradition, it was 2 years later that she was fertile and bred that harvest time, she was also bred 3 times over the next five year’s until we gave farming up.