I'd like to thank those cucks that have emailed me after I posted my question asking if any other men had been cuckoled by their moms when they were boys. It seems that I'm not alone , and like me most concider it a plus that went on to make me a good cuckold husband . My wife thinks it was the best thing that could have happened because I wanted her to cuckold me and when she finally did , as she says , I was already trained . Even moms men helped me have a great marrage and dont even know it . The whole time they were useing me little did they know that they were getting me ready for a great adult life . It wasn't abuse but great training that I feel quite good about , not to mention my wife thinks my mom is the greatest . Thanks everybody email if you like , it's fun to hear from others and to find out how it helped you as a cuckold or if it had a less positive efect on you as a cuckold husband . For me and my wife it was the greatest single factor in our happy and exciting married life and we thank mom .