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One memorable night
My wife (Darla) and I have been married for 37 years. We were each other’s first lovers and that, I believe is in part what has drawn us to our sexual attitudes.
While I was serving in the Marine Corp, on many occasions I had to leave her for a month or more at a time. This left her lonely frequently. I had several Marine buddies, both single and married, who would help heal her loneliness in my absence. In the beginning I would get jealous but also found that, I was getting turned on by it as well. So I started probing Darla with questions about these visits by my friends in my absence. While she originally got annoyed with the 5th degree, she started noticing that I would get turned on just mentioning that someone would give her a kiss or hug while I absent.
Darla eventually started telling me more juicy things. Things like when Hank came by for a visit with us one evening when I had been on duty.
He didn’t know that I had duty that night, as he had just returned from Okinawa. He had been there several months and without a woman during the whole time. He and my wife hung out for the evening talking, smoking pot, and watching movies.
When I came home the next morning from duty, my wife told me that Hank had come by to visit. I started interrogating her and found out that she had answered the door in long button-up shirt and panties. This was her normal dress at home and most of my friends had seen her like this. After further questioning I started to draw out details of the evening. As Darla was giving me the honest details, she sensed that I was getting aroused so she started playing me like a well-tuned piano. Telling me that Hank had come by and since I was working, she asked him to stay for a movie on TV. They were smoking some pot so they had to sit close in order to pass it back and forth. They had talked about Hanks tour to Okinawa and what he missed and such. Darla told me that they eventually ended up screwing the night away. I was so turned on we had to fuck right then and there.
These stories became more and more frequent. She was able to have sex with several guys and in return give me the great stories for my pleasure. But I wanted more. I wanted to be there watching like a fly on the wall.
After I left the Marine Corp I still had the fantasy of watching her with other men. From time to time we had occasion where I got to, but most frequently it was while another woman was there that I would have to pay attention to. Then one day a good friend of mine (Ted), that had recently divorced, tried to commit suicide. I visited him in the hospital and convinced him to come stay with us for a few days while he got his mind right.
One evening we went to dinner at a bar in the city. We were drinking, eating and talking. It was getting later in the evening so the bar was turning into more of a party atmosphere. I was resting my hand on Darla’s thigh as we talked laughed and drank. When Ted left to go to the restroom, Darla said, “the people at that table are probably wondering what was going on”. I asked why, and she replied, “Because both of you guys are rubbing your hands up and down my thigh’s”. I got an instant hard on just from that. Darla was having a little fun with it as well.
When Ted returned to the table, we had a few more drinks and decided to head back to the house. Ted and I sat in the front and Darla set in the middle of the backseat with one arm around each of us, rubbing our shoulders and chests. We decided to watch a porn that a local news lady was in. (one of those private ones that was found out and made not so private). So we went by Ted’s place to pick up the movie and took it to our house. Once we got in, we got a few pillows, sheets and blankets and all lay in front of the fireplace to enjoy the film. I lay closest to the TV with Darla behind me and Ted behind her. Darla had put on some PJ’s, not of a sexy type, just shorts for bottoms and a button-up blouse. Ted and I were still in our jeans and shirts. I was facing the TV with my back to Darla and her back to Ted. The movie was really poor quality and pretty boring. We would make a few jokes about the local celebrity as the film kept playing. But I noticed it getting more and more quiet as we kept watching.
It wasn’t too long before I felt little movements of the blanket over us that indicated a rhythmic motion. I kept facing the TV and just concentrated on this rhythmic motion to see if I could figure out what it was. Darla had a hand on me and was lying on her side so I knew it wasn’t her hand movements. After a few minutes of the motion I felt Darla shift her left leg where it was now resting up on my left thigh. From that point I could feel a slight movement of her leg on my thigh, while her hand was now laid over my side and rubbing my chest. This continued as we continued to watch the film and make comment’s about the film here and there, never looking at each other.
After several minutes I reached my left hand back to Darla’s leg and up to her shorts where they felt to be very snug to her leg. I rested my hand there and could feel the constant tug on her shorts by something other than my hand. I could also feel Darla’s ass as it had a slow mild hunching motion. I was in total bliss, as I now knew that Ted was working on her pussy and she was enjoying the game. Shortly after I moved my hand back to Darla’s leg and ass, Darla removed her leg and arm off of me and rolled onto her back. I still stayed on my side facing the TV. Darla now had her right hand on me as she laid on her back behind me. As she rubbed my hip and side with her hand I could hear and feel the movement and sound of a belt buckle being undone. Then a very slow zipper noise, I remained with my back to the action, as I wasn’t sure that Ted was aware that I knew what was going on behind my back. I think Darla knew I was aware of it but was having a goodtime seeing how far Ted would go with this little undercover play.
It didn’t take too long before the action behind me was getting to the point where it couldn’t have been concealed. I still don’t think Ted was aware that I knew what was going on because I pretended to be sleeping by that point. Darla knew damn well that I wouldn’t be sleeping with that action though.
When the film ended the screen went black for a couple minutes and I could plainly see their hands working on each other. Darla’s hand was sliding up and down the length of Ted’s dick while his hand was rubbing between her now spread legs. It was more than I could take at this point, so I rolled over pretending to just wake up, when they jerked their hand away from each other for just a moment as I unbuttoned Darla’s blouse and began sucking her tit closest to me. This left the other one for Ted to kiss and suck as he put his hand back inside her shorts and started working her over. With Darla’s left hand, she started playing with Ted’s dick again while her right hand undid my pants and belt and started stroking my dick with the identical rhythm she was giving Ted. Ted and I both ran our hands down and pulled her shorts off. Ted quickly returned to her clit where he was giving her a nice slow rubbing. I ran my hand back up her leg to where I could feel his movement of her pussy and her ass hunching up against his hand. Darla was stroking our cocks as we continued to lick her nipples. I ran a finger into her pussy and found her to be wetter than I had ever remembered. I ran two fingers into her and pushed them slowly in and out as Ted continued to rub her clit. She started bucking frantically until she reached one of the stronger orgasms I had witnessed.
Darla and Ted went to take a shower together while I got our bedroom ready with smoke, water and snacks for a nice long fuck session. When they came out of the shower we all laid in bed watching TV, fucking, sucking, smoking, eating, drinking, napping or anything else we wanted until about 5-6 AM. It was great getting woke up from time to time because they were fucking beside me. I call that a great wake up call.

It was one of the more memorable, erotic nights I’ve had. But, we have had several more, which I will attempt to share as well.


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Poster: Ken