A few years ago I had to attend a funeral some distance away with my brother and his wife. We are all in our early 30's and I'm married but my wife could not go with us.
We spent the evening in the bar next door to our motel. My brother had convinced his wife to get a tattoo right above her pussy and he kept teasing her about showing it to me. She refused but as the evening wore on things got better. Eventually she agreed to show me much to my brother's surprise. She went to the rest room and removed her panties and came back and let me see her tattoo. Before we went to our rooms she let me touch her pussy after a lot of coaxing from my brother.
I got to finger her a little but we had to be careful since we were in a public place. He tried to get her to me show her tits but she refused. Nothing more happened. We went to our rooms and neither of them has never mentioned that night to me. I think after they sobered up she was embarrassed by the whole episode. That kind of thing never happens to me but it did that one time.