Dear Misty - As a guy who has watched his wife fuck a lot of men, let me give you a few hints to "push" your mate over into watching.
First - if she's watching TV alone, get undressed and walk out naked with some lube in your pussy and some on your asshole. Just walk out, get close and say something like "I feel so horny - I was thinking about fucking another guy while you watched and I couldn't stop playing with my pussy."
Second - next time you swallow his cum, tell him how great his cum tastes and add "I wonder if all cum tastes as good as your cum?"
Second - when you're fucking get into the "whore" mood - when he's fucking you say "How does it feel to fuck your personal whore?" And "Wouldn't you love to fuck my pussy that's already been fucked and dripping with some guy's cum?"
Third - use the hypothetical - when you're fucking something like "I know we haven't discussed "kinky" sex but lately I've been playing with my pussy in the shower and thinking about how much I would enjoy you watching me fuck another man's cock! Gosh, it's so thrilling to me I'm almost cumming just talking about it.
Finally, bring up the subject of a mutual friend and how cute he is - and above all - how "cool" he is. You've got to convince your guy that you love him and fucking another guy is just like using a dildo - it means nothing, it's just sex - pure sex.
And if there's something he wants to do like fucking your ass, I think trading him ass fucking you and you fucking another cock is pretty fair.
Also, I don't know if you do this - but guy's love to have a girl stick their finger up their ass - so next time you're fucking ask him, "How would you like me to stick my finger up your ass?" Don't mince words - use "ass" instead of "bottom" - be blunt - be dirty - be the whore.
And you might try some water games - peeing - volunteer to hold his cock while he takes a piss and then mention "Do all men pee the same way?" And if you're on top of his cock, just resting between fuck strokes mention "I've got a teeny, tiny urge to tinkle right now. Is that kinky?"
And try to make each sexual encounter verbal - by that I mean whenever you fuck, you do the talking "Geez, I'm so fucking horny - I've been thinking about having sex all day long."
The goal is to desensitise your guy by mentioning idea of you fucking another cock as often as you can AND most important you have to convey your red hot desire to come home with a pussy of cum and fuck your husband's brains out! In other words, you're doing it for the both of you, not just you!