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My Vietnamese Wife Finally Caved In After Years
My wife is Vietnamese and her family moved here in 19 early 1980s from a war torn country.
I met her after my tour of duty in Iraq .
We met at UPS when I got a job driving delivery for them and she was working taking inventory records at the depot.
She was sort of dating another guy at the time but we soon moved in together and then Married when she became pregnant.
Our Daughter is now in college and doing well.
The body of this story is I guess it started one day when we had a party and I saw one guy and her talking and laughing and Peg was flirting and laughing with him I became insanely jealous at first then I realized that it also excited me to
It took me back at first and I wondered what was wrong with me. God she was my wife and I trusted her very much but I found that I was getting an erection watching her flirt and laugh with him.
For days I couldn't get the image of her hand on his forearm looking up at him and laughing.
At the strangest times I would catch myself seeing her in his arms in bed with her legs wide with that same smile on her lips looking up at him as he fucked her.
I was a mess but I gradually after so many images of her in his arms and the way it affected me I wondered if I could actually handle watching it in person.
I tried to talk to her about it but she was outraged at the idea insisting that I was having an affair and feeling guilty and we almost separated over it so I sat back and now new that this was something that I really wanted to see so I would bring it up sometimes when we were having sex and although she responded to it after sex she wouldn't talk about it later.
I didn't give up though so for the next 15 years I would bring it up but by now she would just laugh it off and make a joke about it.
When Amy started college and was accepted at USC and moved into a Dorm down there the empty nest came i8nto effect. At first all of this freedom of having the house to ourselves we had sex everywhere and loved it but then we both missed our daughter and Peg became despondent.
(Oh Pegs real name is Phuong Dzung ) but her friends nick named her Peg because it was easier to say .
Well we had talked about taking a cruise for several years now so I booked a cruise to Hawaii on Princess cruise lines out of San Fran. just across the bay from us.
I was still every chance I* got pestering her about her with another guy but she laughed it off.
4 days at sea before we reached Hilo the big Island.
We had not signed up for any excursions because we had a daughter in college and that was expensive.
We planned on just getting off the ship and walking around and taking pictures but as we were waiting to get off we met this guy John well I had gone over to get a map of the area and when I came back he was talking to Peg.
It seams he has been on several cruises so far and was by himself and offered to show us around the area.
I could see him look over my wife when he could sneak glances at her And Peg is a good looking woman looking half her age dressed in slacks and a loose blouse that was made for walking.
It was warm already and John being on a budget also suggested the hopa on hopa off shuttle that only cost $20 bucks each so we spent the day going from place to place and getting pictures of her and I all over the front part of the Island.
Peg and John got along great and she asked him hundreds of questions about the Islands and if a passer buy ever looked at us they probably thought the he and Peg were together and I was the third wheel walking behind them as they talked and laughed together.
I was having mixed feelings though watching my wife have a great time talking to him and I was getting aroused .
We got back to the ship in early evening and John said hey lets meet for dinner and Peg agreed instantly.
It was getting late so we went to our room and the shower was so small that we had to take turns showering.
I sat on the stool as Peg took her shower and all she could talk about was how much John knew about the Islands and she said he wants to show us the Arizona memorial tomorrow and I told him ok do you mind.
I was getting an erection listening to her and I asked do you want to fuck him.
Silence then she laughed and cleared her throat and said of course not silly but when she stepped out of the shower he face was flushed with a guilty half smile.
While I was showering she sat on the stool and she was quiet for a long time then she asked why did you ask that and I pretended not to understand and asked what???
and she cleared her throat again and she said you know about John and I?
I said I don't know you just seamed to really get along with him and we will probably never see him again after this cruise.
He seams to be the perfect guy.
Peg was silent to long but then she laughed and said not a chance buster in a very unconvincing way

she was quiet and thoughtful as we dressed for dinner and she wore her nice skirt and blouse.
At dinner we met John in the foyer and was seated at a table set for several people and two other couples were seated with us and we all began talking and getting acquainted.
Peg never drinks but she let John talk her into having a glass of wine with dinner and she got tipsy very quickly and everyone teased her about being a cheep drunk.
She had another glass with desert and was laughing at everything anybody said.
After dinner we watched a play in the Princess Theatre and John had a balcony room on the same deck as ours and asked if we wanted to see it.
We had an inside room and Peg agreed instantly.
Johns room was an outside room with a balcony room open to the sea.
Peg was impressed with it and when John offered her a third glass of wine she accepted and he and I had beer.
Peg was pretty much 3 sheets to the wind by now but
she was having a ball.
We were there for awhile when John excused himself and went into the bathroom to take a leak.
I had watched them closely all day and John was d interested in her.
While he was in there I stepped behind Peg and whispered do you want to fuck him babe? Peg just stood there like a statue not saying a word but her breathing was now rasping in her throat.
She stood there as I pulled her blouse out of her skirt not moving and hardly breathing when the toilet flushed.
John Came back in and looked at us strangely for a second with me behind her and her blouse in my hands I slowly raised her blouse up around her neck pulling her bra with it as his eyes bugged out.
I began by Hey John listen now I have been wanting to watch Peg with another guy for years but she has always refused but we will probably never see you again after this trip and Peg dose like you.
He nodded his head also breathing raggedly now and I pulled Pegs bra and blouse over her head as he frantically began taking his pants off .
Peg stood there as I unsnapped her skirt and it fell at her feet and I pulled her panties down and she stepped out of them breathing very raggedly now and John was now nude and I noticed that hi8s cock was about the same size as mine but it was as rigid as stone.
Peg abxcked up onto the bed watching Jo0hn come to her and she opened her legs for him and I felt my guts twist inside of me now not at all sure this is what I wanted but I couldent say stop as John kneelked betweehn her legs and she took his cock in her tiny hand and guided it into her.
In less than a minute Peggy came explosively then she came a second time just before John grunted and I watched his ass cheeks clinch and unclench as he came in my wife.
Shit we had never discussed whether or not to let him cum in her but it was to late now.
Well after that we talked about what we had done and we all agreed that for the rest of our trip they could fuck whenever they wanted so they screwed all over the shi9p for 9 days and nights.
Now two months later I have been trying to get her to do it again but all she will do is smi8le3 her secret smile and say maybe if we ever meet another guy li8ke him.


cuckold wife


Poster: Jim