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We have played for many years bit for some reason or another we kind of let it die down and had not played at all for a couple of years and I had resigned myself to the fact that she was no longer interested in us doing that anymore. We were invited to the city that was the home office of my company to have a dinner honoring those that had won a prestigious award with the company. This was a select group with only fourteen total winners. The company booked a nice restaurant and got us a hotel for the night and picked us up in a limo and went all out.

I was one of the early winners and this was our seventh trip to celebrate. June had met everyone and found it all to be rather boring since we had been to so many.. We go the restaurant and mingled and then had dinner. The company president then introduced the newest member. It was Joseph from a distant office and someone I had met at meetings and such. He was awarded and as had become custom he went around shook hands and thanked everyone there. We then started breaking up and we ended up out on the patio so June could smoke. Joseph came out and joined us and we talked for a while. He then made his way back in to say good night to everyone. When he walked away she said good lord he is a good looking man and so distinguished looking and asked me did he not bring his wife. I of course had no idea.

We walked out front to wait on the limo and about that time Joseph came out and asked did we mind if he caught a ride back with us as he was not comfortable with the higher ups in the company. We told him that was no problem and this gave her chance to ask where his wife was. Joseph told her no wife with him as he had been divorced for four years and did not have a girlfriend so he came alone. We rode back to the hotel and was talking like we were the best of friends. As we walked in the lobby she told Joseph that we were going to change out of these ball room clothes and coming back to the lounge to have a drink and he should join us. He thanked her and said he would love too but he had to get his tuxedo off quick before he went crazy. We rode up in the elevator with him and he got off on the fourteenth floor and we went on up to the twentieth. We got in the room and she threw her arms around my neck and told me she incredibly horny and it was too bad we had no one to play with as she would be more than willing.

I did not really respond other than kissing her and just said wow just our luck and started changing out of my tux. She turned her back to me and asked me to unzip the dress and asked me what should she put on. I asked well did she want to wear something for comfort or did she want to wear something to impress Joseph. She turned and looked at me like was my statement that obvious. I just smiled and said you asked me what should you wear. She just smiled and looked at what she brought with her. I then told her to wear the white skirt and turquoise top. She told me good choice as this was the impress Joseph choice. The top buttoned all the way up and had lots of cleavage and the skirt was more than a few inches above her knees. June then said well I have white panties but a white bra will not look good with this top. I told her to go without and she asked what if some of your other coworkers are in the bar. I told her she would just be sexy not like she was showing anything.

She changed and fixed her hair and makeup and then told me wait and she had me sit in a chair beside her and asked if she leaned forward how much would she be showing. I told her just the swells of her breasts unless she leaned way forward. Dam she looked good!!We got down there and other than another group that we did not know it was just me and her and Joseph and man and his wife from another location that she did know the wife so she was comfortable plus the other wife was dressed very similar to her. We all talked and within a hour the other couple were headed to their room and June said she wanted to get away from the loud group so we headed out on the patio by the pool area. We talked a little company talk but quickly moved it to kidding and joking around. She was very touchy feely with Joseph and kept touching him on the arm and kept moving her legs where she kept bumping his. After this went on about fifteen minutes Joseph finally was telling us something and he put his hand on her leg right above her knee and let it linger there for a minute. She noticed this quickly and smiled at him.

June is not a drinker and she was on her third vodka gimlet when I mentioned that she better slow down as she did not want to get drunk as she might miss something. She got the drift quickly and said to just get her a straight coke on the next round. he then said she had to run to the little girls room and would be right back. She walked off and Joseph said man you have a real sweetheart there and she has a great personality. He then said I have to ask if she gets drunk what will she miss. I laughed and said oh just something she was talking about when we went back to the room. Joseph said man you are killing me you have got to let me in on the secret. I again laughed and said oh she was just talking about how hot you are and how distinguished looking you were. He shrugged and said oh she is the one that is hot if you do not mind me saying. I thanked him and told him when she came back to tell her how hot you think she is and then said but get her to lean over and whisper it to her and if you get a chance take a peek down the blouse as she is not wearing a bra. Joseph smiled and said oh I noticed that a long time ago and was trying to look without being obvious. I laughed and said she did not wear one where you could get a peek. He liked that.

She came back and grabbed her purse and told us to lets got to other end of the pool where she could smoke and not bother anyone. It was a high-top table with stools but as me and Joseph sat down she decided to stand so he was now looking down at her. I quickly said the stools are not for me so lets sit on the pool lounge chairs. Me and her sat on the edge of one and Joseph sat directly across from us. He then motioned for her to lean over where he could tell her something and she did and then sat back up and said thank you very much and told him that she had kind of said the same thing about him earlier. This broke the ice even more and over the next little bit he had her to lean over several times to tell her something. At one point her put his hand on her arm and held it down toward her lap and did not hide the fact that he was looking down her blouse.

Being the sly one she said the edges of this chair was not very comfortable and lets turn them facing each other and she had me raise the back of the chair and sit down then she leaned back into my chest. We talked some more and she kept her ankles crossed. She then slowly uncrossed her legs and then let them drop to each side of the chair. Her legs were probably eight to ten inches apart but there was little doubt that Joseph could see up the skirt. Joseph slid up to the end of the chair and sat down and was probably a foot from her. He reached over and put both hands on her knees. She slid back in to me and closed her legs and said that is probably not a good idea out here too many prying eyes. She then looked back at me and then at Joseph and said why don't we go up to our room. Joseph said that would be great. She reached in her purse and
took her key out and said give us about five minutes where things will not look funny and gave him our room number. Joseph told her that will be great as he was going to run by his room real quick. We got in the elevator and I told her she is getting her earlier wish. She smiled so I asked what was he telling her when she kept leaning over. She smiled again and said he was mainly looking down my top but he did say he would like to see me without a top on. I added before the night was over I was pretty sure he was going to see her without a top or bottoms on.

Joseph let him self in and she was in the bathroom. Me and him talked for a minute until she came out. Me and Joseph were sitting in chairs and she came out and laid back across the bed and raised up on her elbows to talk to us. Probably after about five minutes she sat up and took a swig of her coke and then laid back and opened her legs about a foot apart. Joseph asked me was it okay to move his chair closer and I gave him the go ahead. He again put his hands on her thighs right above her knees and started rubbing up and down her thighs. He got to the point that every time his hands went up he pushed the skirt a little bit higher until he could push it up no higher because the skirt was under her butt. She raised up on her elbows again and asked him what did he think he was doing. Joseph smiled at her and said exactly what you want me to do. She came back with oh you think so.But she laid back and lifted her butt and pulled the skirt the rest of the way up.

Joseph moved his chair a little closer and was now running his hands all the way up to the top of her panties and then back down across the front of them. He stopped for a minute and said hey to her and she answered. He said I thought you were going to take the blouse off for me. So she sat up again and pulled the top off and asked him is that better. He replied oh very much so and looked back at me and said I think I know now what you did not want her to get to drunk to do and then asked me was he correct. I laughed and said not sure you have not told me yet. He said either you or her or maybe both wants me to get in her panties. I laughed and said you are a very smart man.


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Poster: Greg