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Me and My Hotwife
Preface: having a hot wife by definition makes a man a chucold. But that is not always the case. Chucold is a derogatory term or demeaning. This was not the case with us. We shared sex with others, singles, couples, and groups. It was never with intent to demean or belittle me or her. We were just out to have a good time. This is a true story even though it is long it only covers the high points to tell it all would take forever.

Chapter 1 How we started
I found my future wife at the mall. I first saw her from quite a distance. Even from far away I knew she was nearly perfect. I discretely followed her around the mall for a while, checking her out all along the way. We both stopped to see the Christmas decorations in a store window. We talked about the display for a while, I finally got the nerve to invite her for a burger and Coke. To my surprise she quickly accepted. When we finished our lunch, I asked her out. Once again, she said yes.
At that time, I was fresh from boot camp from the naval air reserve. I was in the best shape of my life and looking pretty good. I guess that’s part of why she responded the way she did. In only a month we became engaged. I invited her for a tour of the Naval Air Station. While we were there we saw a group of guys from my class. When they saw her, they swarmed her with no shame. Many of them just couldn’t accept that I had a fiancée that beautiful. All that attention really got to her making her very horny. I should have gotten a clue about her sexual drive from that, but it flew right over my head. That night I got her cherry in the back seat of my car. After that I was hers to command, whatever she wanted I got for her. We got married only 4 months after we met. My active duty assignment was coming up and we decided to try to get New Orleans Naval Air Station. As luck would have it I got the assignment. She was thrilled and excited about living in New Orleans. Three weeks later we were packed up and on the road. I rented a beautiful apartment in a nice area of town. It was the lower front of an old southern mansion. I went the next morning and checked in at the Air Station. I quickly made a fair number of friends. We often went out drinking with two guys about our age. They were both super-hot for my wife and made no secret of it. After only two months of this socializing it finally happened. I came home early one day when I was scheduled to work late. My commander took mercy on me and let me off about 3 in the afternoon instead of ten pm as expected. When I pulled up in front of the apartment I noticed Jack’s car there also. The old house had floor to ceiling windows that opened enough to allow entrance and exit easily. When I noticed some familiar moaning coming from the apartment. Suspicious, I snuck into the apt. through the window, making no noise. I stood just outside the double doors that led to the bedroom. I didn’t make a sound, just stood there watching as they took turns fucking the shit out of my wife. She was completely absorbed and probably couldn’t hear it thunder. Completely out of it and loving every second and every stroke. I watched them for more than 30 minutes taking turns on my wife before I cleared my throat. Just scared the shit out of all three of them. I didn’t raise hell or anything, I just said OK y’all can leave now. All the while she sat on the bed stark naked crying her eyes out begging for forgiveness. I just shook my head and went to the living room and turned on the tv. The next morning, I wrote a disciplinary report against the two guys. I out ranked them so had the right to do so. I turned in my detailed report to my commander. He and I shared a similar situation with our wives, so he had no tolerance for this kind of shit. Adultery in the navy was a courts martial offence at that time (probably still is) so the report went to the captain’s desk. Within an hour they were charged and in the brig. It took a few weeks, but they finally got their day in court. It took less than 45 minutes to earn them six months in the brig and a dishonorable discharge. Those that have military experience know that their lives were ruined forever. Never to get a govt. job, no vet benefits and more. It’s like living with a felony on their record. In six months, we were divorced. She got nothing no community property, nothing. Clearly the judge didn’t go for that kind of shit either.
Six months went by and I got a call from her. She wanted to see me. I thought about it for a minute and thought oh what the hell and asked her to dinner. All the pain and anguish had long since subsided, in fact the vision in my mind of her naked on the bed getting the shit fucked out of her actually got me kind of turned on. I had recently lost a great lady due to my own indiscretion. (another story) I was free as a bird. About half way through dinner she blurted out, ”I want you to come to Hawaii with me”. I said what the hell woman, don’t you think you have tortured me enough? Se explained oh no we aren’t getting back together we will share an apartment and expenses. I might even let you fuck me occasionally if you want. I said oh, I want ok. I have to think about this for a while. A week later I got another call from her, she wanted to meet for drinks. OK I said I’ll meet you at the bar. When we met, first thing I said, ok, I’ll do it. I’ve got nothing going on so why not. Great she says. Want to hear the rules? Rules? I said. Yea rules, you have to agree, or it won’t work. Ok let’s hear it. She explained, First, we are not a couple at least not at first, we have to see how this all works first. I answered ok, I can handle that. Second you know I have no control over my need for sex and lots of it. I will come and go as I please and have sex with anyone I want. You of course may do the same and maybe we might swing together and go to sex parties and such. I said wow, I never thought much about what they call “the lifestyle “but I thought it would be fun. I didn’t have any idea just how much I would come to love it.
I got a job as a taxi driver. I really loved it, I had the night shift when all the action happened. Better money too. I made friends with a dozen or so whores who always called for me when they wanted a ride. The Vietnam war was going full bore, so we had hundreds of military men on R&R. My whores were doing a land office business. I never accepted any money from the girls, they were friends to me and treated me well. The Johns did however give very generous tips. Wifey, and that’s what I’ll call her throughout this series of stories. I just don’t want to get sued. Wifey looked for a legit job and found nothing that paid more than slave wages. (that’s Hawaii for ya). She took a job at an escort service. I said so, you are going to be a prostitute? NO! Jim says “the escort service is just that, nothing more. However, you can do what you want, I take no cut. It’s completely up to you if you want to sell it”. She went on several regular dates, dinner, dancing and the like. At that point she developed a new habit of not ever wearing underwear. The guys were all turned on by it, me too, very much so. She loved showing off her pussy in public while teasing all the men. That became one of our favorite things, I loved to watch from a distance as she drove the guys nuts. Knowing that I was watching got her even more turned on.
She was waiting for a date and nothing happened in three days. She was getting desperate foe money. Jim offered her a hundred dollars for a fuck in the office. At first, she said no, then later that night agreed. He got her on top of the massage table and sucked and fucked the shit out of her. As usual she loved it and had a repeat performance every three days or so. Jim invited her to a sex party he knew about. She readily agreed. She wore a short mini dress with a tube top and again no underwear, if she bent over at all she showed her beautiful pussy to the world, she got off on it and all the other guests loved it too. It was her first experience with marijuana and mixed with prodigious amounts of alcohol she became the slut of the party. One fellow there had heard from Jim about wifey. He knew her reputation and was interested, the only thing was, he had the biggest dick anyone had ever seen. Everyone at the party wanted to watch him fuck wifey with that thing. Twelve inches or better and thick. Wifey as drunk and stoned as she was accepted the dare. She didn’t remember much but Jim later told me she took it all although it took a while because she is so tight. Damn, I thought to myself, I thought she felt awfully reamed out that night. That certainly wasn’t the only sex party we went to, but that story is just a repetition of a lot of people fucking each other and won’t add a whole lot to this story. The next week Jim invited us over to his large and elegant apartment for smokes and drinks. About thirty minutes in he said hey hubby, let’s take turns fucking wifey. Oh, hell yea let’s do it. We never asked her or anything. We just pulled her clothes off, just the usual minidress and no underwear at all. One quick pull on the hem and she was completely nude in less than two seconds. She became very submissive and gave us everything we wanted. She had us both many times and could just relax and enjoy herself, which she did in spades. After that I became a great fan of group sex.
Wifey went on a date with a guy about fifty years old, quite handsome and fit. During their dinner he calmly asked her for sex. She without even thinking about it said OK I’d love to, but I’ll need another $100. They went upstairs to his room. She with no hesitation dropped her dress revealing that she was commando all the way as usual. That turned her friend on so much he almost lost it at that moment. She gave him a great blow job making his already ample dick even larger. Large wasn’t really her thing, she liked a little bigger than normal but lots of it for hours on end. But in this case, him being so handsome and all she hopped on it and rode him cowgirl style taking him in balls deep. almost ripping his dick out by the roots all of which he was enjoying completely. After they each had several massive orgasms they passed out. About four in the morning she woke with a hand in her pussy. She immediately jumped on him and commenced to fuck the shit out of him again. They went on till about 6:30 and passed out again. She got home about 8:30 and started to tell the whole story in full detail. I got so horny I rolled her over and fucked her ass off for a couple hours, driving her to many more intense orgasms.
After all that I accepted the lifestyle (even the prostitution) completely. And like magic we were a couple again only a thousand times better than before. The swinging didn’t stop, if anything it increased. But no matter, we did in fact love each other completely. She decided that what really got her juices going was when I would find and bring to her new sex partners. She loved doing the same for me. We never did stop doing that. It didn’t mean that she didn’t keep on at the escort business and kept on selling it to her clients. They got their money’s worth because once she started she would go on for hours or at least as long as they could take it. She could outlast any man.
One night it occurred to her that with all these R&R guys running around she could have a ball and make a bunch of money too. So out she went, sometimes she would charge sometimes not. It just depended on how much she got out of it. If I saw a good-looking guy that I thought she might like I would bring him or them home with me. She liked that arrangement. One night especially lives in my memory. A nice young navy lieutenant asked for a beautiful whore that was especially good. He had been at sea for over six months and his balls were ready to pop. I told him I got just what you need, so I took him to wifey. One look at him and she was ready to go. He asked me to leave the meter running and wait for him. I did as he asked and waited from 9pm till almost 6am.He staggered out shaking his head, I never in my life had anything like that. He said get me to pearl harbor by 7am and I’ll give you $500. Pretty tall order with the traffic and all but since it was Sunday morning I had a chance. To make a long story a little shorter I got my $500 plus the meter. When I got back home I discovered that he gave her $500 also. She said without going into too much detail that it was one of the best fucks she ever had. She kept on at the escort agency and still fucked Jim several times a week. He was good, and she liked it. Also, he always gave her a $100 bill.
She often brought home one or more of her girlfriends to give me a good fucking. They explained that unlike wifey the didn’t really hook because the liked it, they did it for the money mostly, with the occasional exception. When they came to our place they could get high, relax and do it just for fun, or not. They must have enjoyed it a lot because they kept coming back. Sometimes just one sometimes as many as five. More than I could handle but I did my best and everyone was happy. Naturally wifey just loved to watch.
We had been in Hawaii for about 10 months. By then her favorite thing was seeing how many guys she could fuck in one night. Her record was twenty one in eight hours. She hung out at this indoor-outdoor Tiki bar. Many of the tourists and R&R guys would visit there. One night wifey caught the eye of a young couple. They were really giving her the once over. Wifey went to their table and asked for a drink. They looked at each other and nodded. They asked her if she was a hooker, she said no I’m a call-out girl. Are y'all looking for something special. The wife answered yes, we are looking for a sexual adventure that we can both enjoy. Wifey says ok come with me I got you covered. Wifey called me and said go home I got a surprise for you. I was already there when they arrived. Wifey says if you like what’s about to happen it won’t cost you a thing. The young couple just looked at each other and nodded ok. We all got completely naked, getting a little embarrassed resistance from the young wife. Wifey got her calmed down and naked in short order. I found that the young wife had a very tasty pussy, so I passed a good bit of time there. Much to the enjoyment of the young wife. Wifey says wow if it’s that damn good I want to try it. I knew that she had never sucked pussy before, so I watched with great interest as she did her thing. Wifey having received many many hours of pussy sucking, knew exactly what to do. Young wife went completely off the rails. Young hubby said “she has never before come like that” completely amazed. After that we traded off and we each fucked the other’s wife. With both of them screaming and kicking and clawing it was clear that everyone was getting just what they had been looking for when all this started. After several hours of trading back and forth everyone was spent. We were hungry, so the young hubby invited us to a fine meal. Steak and lobster with all the fixings. For sure, one of our most memorable experiences.
Wifey was out on one of her fuck anybody excursions. She found a handsome and tall R&R guy named Johnny and fucked him right there on the ground in the park. She showed up pregnant the next month. We decided to return to Fort Worth for family support which we did not get by the way. I was able to borrow a car from a friend, so I could look for work. It was the first of December and the job started January first. That December was the hardest we ever endured. We ate from the local food pantry all month Mostly potatoes and onions. Christmas my dad gave us a lousy Fifty bucks. It wasn’t like they were poor or anything, just stingy. I guess beating the shit out of my dad for calling me a liar just before we left for New Orleans didn’t help much. Oh well, he had it coming and I’m not sorry.
Our next adventure was our return to New Orleans.

Return to New Orleans

We tried living in Fort Worth for a while. Of course, there was no sex or anything for two months so that she could recover from child birth. Luckily her pussy returned to be the same as before. One would never figure that she had a baby. She did however she did gain a little sag to her tits. Not much but they did sag a little.
We had been at odds with both sides of the family since we returned. They all thought that we shouldn’t be together. They made no secret of it, and it was driving us nuts. We sure as hell didn’t need anyone telling us how to live. And oh, shit if the knew about the lifestyle stuff the world would have come to the end! After a particularly contentious episode we decided that we couldn’t go on this way.
We sat down together that night to decide what to do. We had the whole world open to us and could do anything we wanted. Our talk went on for a while, considering everything. About two hours in wifey got a big smile and those twinkling eyes that she got when she had a mischievous idea. “Let's go back to New Orleans. I can make a fortune on Bourbon street and you can take care of the baby. Don’t worry you won’t be left out of anything just like Hawaii. Hmm I thought to myself, a stay at home dad. I had never thought about anything like that, but “OK I’m game” I said. Next day the whole family was in the front yard raising hell. We didn’t say anything, just finished loading our car and drove away. Didn’t even say good-bye.
We had a little money saved up, so we were ok for about a month. We rented an apartment in one of the old mansions on Esplanade street. It was very close to the French quarter, and most convenient. Wifey made a valiant effort to get a waitress job in one of the many bars on Bourbon street. I think she tried them all. The problem was they didn’t pay, it was tips only, at some of the places the girls had to pay the boss to work there. Wifey was having a tough time till She went into a bar that featured nude table top dancing. The dancers also served the drinks. The boss actually paid a small salary to the dancers. And the tips? Fantastic. Wifey auditioned completely nude in front of her new boss and a couple of his men. They all agreed and hired her on the spot. Boss says oh, by the way you must keep yourself shaved as long as you work here, there are no exceptions everybody has to do it. Wifey shaved when she had a special date or something but normally just let it grow. I had been on her back since we got back together to keep it shaved but she resisted, said it was too much trouble. I answered well now you got to do it, but I’d love to help you with that (any excuse to get close to it) She said really? Would you? “I’d love that, thank you” That became my job every two days, I really did enjoy it. They gave her some pasties and a G-string. The pasties were too small for her areolas and the g string let her labia major hang out on both sides. OH, hell I loved that and so did the customers I believe that’s why she got so much attention at the club. Some of the other girls had a similar problem but they were not as well endowed in that area as wifey. Wifey became very popular with the girls and the customers as well. When a couple would come in it was funny, when wifey got up on the little cocktail table and started dancing her pussy lips showed openly. The wives would sit there staring with their mouths open and their hand in their husband’s lap, often holding their hubby’s hard on. The first time that happened the wife invited wifey back to their hotel. Wifey agreed, when she was off work at 2am she walked up the street to their hotel and knocked on their door. They had been waiting and wondering if she would show. Wifey asked what would y’all like? The wife said, we both want unbridled sex with you. That means everything. Wifey says that sound great, only one thing, no anal. Hubby a little disappointed said ok no anal. May I at least touch it. Wifey says anything you want just don’t try to stick your dick in it. All agreed other than that there were no limits. It wasn’t the first time she had a woman eat her out, but it was the best so far. Wifey excitedly returned the favor fully enjoying the sensation and the taste, she even liked that she came like a fountain and flooded Wifey’s mouth with her lady-cum. Hubby got so excited that his dick looked like it was going to split open like an over cooked sausage. Wifey tried to suck him but he said can’t take that now I got to have some pussy. Wifey pushed him over onto the bed and started fucking him cowgirl style. Jumping up and down driving his ample dick balls deep into her pussy. It took less than five minutes and he exploded and filled wifey up and their combined juices started running down the crack of her butt and down her thighs. Wife says here let me help you with that. First, she sucked the last drops from hubby’s dick and cleaned him up with her mouth and tongue. Next, she moved over on the bed to wifey and licked and sucked all the come from her vagina and cleaned up the crack of her ass and legs. Her tongue touched Wifey’s anus causing her to jump. Wife says like that? Here is some more. She worked on Wifey’s ass for a good while then slipped her tongue up her anus. Wifey went wild and came all over the place again, making a hell of a mess. Hubby crawled over to them and began to suck up all the lady-cum and there was plenty. The threesome continued having unlimited sex, doing everything they had ever fantasized about. When they just couldn’t take anymore wifey says I have to go home, It’s almost 8 in the morning! They hated to see her go but gave her $500 and a big hug and a thank you. She had not even mentioned money the whole time and was shocked and grateful.
After that night she was for hire just like in Hawaii only with many more customers. She was bringing down a couple grand a week. She brought home at least one of her friends from the club almost every night or should I say morning. The girls from the club were very sexually inclined, much to my liking. We had more fun than anyone is entitled to. One very memorable occasion wifey showed up about 2:30. That almost never happened she was usually out getting fucked. This night she had a young couple it tow. The guy was just what wifey liked young handsome and tall. The young girl, (couldn’t have been a day over 18) was as beautiful as any woman I’ve ever seen with a figure to match. Just as beautiful as wifey but very different. Each and every part of her was slightly different than wifey. They said they wanted to swing with us, no holds barred. Wifey steps in and says right in the guys face, “the only thing is, you can’t stick your dick up my ass.” He agreed, his wife says but I really like that. Thrilled the shit out of me. The girls started first by undressing each other. Wifey had on only the usual mini dress and nothing else, (she had about ten of them) bringing a startled laugh when they saw her in all her naked glory in one swift movement. The young wife was fully dressed and took a minute longer to get naked. I almost fainted, shit, you only see that kind of thing in magazines. Young wife wasn’t shaved smooth like wifey but she was nicely trimmed short. Perfect for pussy eating. She and wifey started the party having at each other. So super sexy to watch. Both of us had a big raging hard on going. After the girls each had a goodly number of orgasms they turned to us and said ok ready? We shared each other’s wife and traded back and forth many times. Young wife says oh I’m loving this but I’m ready for two at once please. Her hubby got her up on hands and knees. He stopped for a minute reached over and grabbed his pants. He pulled a small tube of KY from his pants pocket, smiling always travel prepared. He lubed up her ass both inside and out. Then lubed himself. Then he reached over saying “I hope you don’t mind” and got hold of my dick and smeared some KY on me. I was a little embarrassed because I’d never been handled by a man before. Wifey grinned and said don’t worry you are not going to turn gay just for that! Anyway, he slowly and gently worked his dick into her ass. Young wife said o my god I love that! After about five minutes she said hubby please take his dick and push it into my vagina. He says please I hope you don’t mind this either. I said let's go for it I never did this before. Young wife says please pound away on me, we obliged. God that was extreme and fantastic. After she had enjoyed a good double fucking she says ok stop both of you. She put her hubby on his back and climbed on cowgirl style and leaned way over onto his chest. Saying to me ok please try to get in there with him, just go easy OK? I said of course I would never want to hurt you. I having never been there before I was a little nervous but in I went very gently and slowly. At the halfway point she says OK boys pound away. That was a fantastic experience. The young wife went into a spastic fit with probably the biggest orgasm I’ve ever seen. Wifey hollers out oh my god I got to have that. After young wife calmed down, she had kept on with her orgasm for over 5 minutes and was slowly calming down. It took another 5 minutes before she could stand just our movement slowly sliding out. She flipped over on her back and passed out on the bed for about ½ hour. When she recovered she asked wifey if she really wanted a double, Wifey says I don’t know if I can take it, neither of them is small. That’s OK you can do it, let me help you get ready. Just lie back and close your eyes and relax as much as you can. Young wife took the KY and spread some on her tiny right hand. First 1 finger pulling at Wifey’s pussy walls back and forth stretching a little at a time. Then 2 then 3 then 4 then 4 plus her thumb. Wifey was really feeling the stretch. After a while like this young wife slid her whole hand into wifey all the way to her wrist. Wifey says Oh shit I’ve never been so full, it hurts but it’s sexy as hell. Young wife slips her hand out of wifey and says ok now you are ready that wasn’t as much as what you are going to get but you will be able to take it. Wifey got on top of young hubby and rode him good for a pretty good while saying oh shit I love this. OK I’m ready now and lays her chest against his. Ok hubby, you know what to do. I worked my way between their tangled legs. I slowly and carefully started to work my way in. She was way tighter than young wife. I was worried that I would actually tear her pussy open. Wifey oh shit it stings, but don’t stop whatever you do. I kept on pushing, she kept saying keep going. I was almost all the way in, I looked down and saw a little blood coming out. Wifey says don’t stop go all the way. As soon as I did she orders ok fuck the shit out of me. OK, harder damn it. She started humping against us like a mad woman and commenced one of those super orgasms that put poor young wife to shame. It took almost ½ hour for her to stop humping and shaking before we could ease out. I took a look at her, opened her pussy and looked in as far as I could. She was bleeding pretty freely. I suggested a visit to the ER, but she said no I’m fine that will stop soon, it just stings a lot. I guess you got my cherry for the second time huh? In only 15 minutes the bleeding stopped and the stinging as well. Wifey says oh hell I could go some more but I don’t think I should. Before we called it a night I got hold of young wife and asked her “may I”? She says, “yes I’d love it if hubby doesn’t mind”. Hubby says go ahead have fun baby. I’m just going to lay here with wifey and smooch and cuddle. Wifey says oh I love that so much you’re going to take a piece of my heart.

Wifey woke up sore as hell the next day. No matter she went to work as usual. She had to take time off from her usual sexual exploits to let her snatch heal up. It was nice having her home at night and having her sleeping by me. It took about a week and a half to completely recover so she took another whole week just to be sure. After the week and a half, I got to fuck her nightly, because she trusted me to be very gentle with her. The extra week was to ensure that she would be able to let go and fuck like an animal. The way she liked it.

Wifey had developed a fondness for action with couples. They were usually the ones that treated her well and paid well also. Almost a week went by and no couples hit on her, lots of guys did as they did every night, but none of them really lit her fire. On her next night off, she decided to try some street hooking just for the hell of it. She left about ten pm saying I’ll try to be back by two am. I asked how many she had in mind. She answered “I don’t have any idea, I'm just going to let it play out, hell I might not even find anybody I like. Well, she did, her first was a well-built guy in his mid-thirty’s. She thought he was handsome. So, she made him get a room. After they got in she blew his mind with her tube-top dress and no underwear, just a quick jerk on the sides of her skirt and she was stark naked. This guy was almost as quick, dropping his jeans showing wifey that he was commando. He pulled off the rest of his clothes showing wifey a very fit and muscular body. He was only slightly above normal with penis size. Wifey thought to herself, I lucked out, I’ll be able to ride this one as long as he can stand it. Wifey told him the usual, do anything you want but don’t try to stick your dick in my ass. Also, I’m not into pain at all. The guy being a nice fellow said, me either, just want to feel good. He explained he was in New Orleans for business, had been married to the same woman for twelve years. She was a good wife and mother but nothing great in bed. He said she just laid there and waited for it to be over, anything beyond missionary was an absolute no no. In all this time he had never strayed but now with wifey he just could not resist, he just had to have her. Wifey said oh you poor man, I can’t imagine a relationship without great sex! I’m going to fuck your lights out and you will remember this night for the rest of your life. When you fuck your wife just think of me and bust a nut right away. Do you like to eat pussy? I like it, but my wife won't let me, she thinks it’s nasty. How about I show you some tricks that might bring her around. If you can get her to have a really fantastic orgasm, it may change your marriage forever. He said oh hell yes that would be wonderful if it works. Wifey says, let me do you, then you can do the same for me, when we get down to the actual pussy part I’ll give you a few pointers. OK he says, let's do it. Wifey says, start with a gentle massage, not a deep tissue type just easy and sensual. Kiss and lick her in all the erogenous zones, you know neck, chest. Breast, stomach, and all around her pubic mound. If she lets you get to the sides of her mound you are almost home, just go slow, massage her breasts and stomach especially right on top of her ovaries softly, all the while working your way closer and closer to her outer lips. If you get that far you are there. She will be making cooing and light moaning noises as well as rising up to meet your kissing. At that point gently lick her clitoris, as she responds more you can start to suck on it, softly at first and harder as she responds more and more. The first time you need to go easy and take your time. Once you get her clit between your lips and bring her to orgasm, your sex problems will be over, she will be demanding that you fuck her almost daily. Now let’s try, he had heard her every word and performed like he did it every day. Wifey got off several times very well, soon saying please fuck me! He kept kissing her all over, rubbing her tits and driving her crazy. Wifey said ok stop. He looked at her with a dejected look. She said oh no I didn’t mean completely, just get off and lay beside me. As soon as he did Wifey got on him cowgirl style and started riding him without mercy. Wifey gave herself at least four powerful orgasms, and he had two good ones and several dry shots. Wifey said to him, if you do to your wife what you just did to me she will be on you every night. He said how do I ever thank you? Wifey says well I have a husband and baby at home and hubby is going to want to hear every detail and get an instant replay. He is an expert pussy sucker, so the replay won’t be a problem, but we can always use some cash. I am a prostitute after all. He smiled and said, and a damned good one too. Can I have your number, I want to tell you how it went at home. Wifey gave him her number saying please do. If you come back to town call me if you like. He says you can bet on that. At that point he opened his wallet pulled out five one hundred-dollar bills, put them in her hand and gave her a big French kiss. Both being stark naked they succumbed to lust and just had to have another romp lasting another hour. The saying fuck each others lights out comes to mind. He said to wifey oh by the way my name is Billy, so you know me when I call you. Wifey came home about one AM, I said hell you are home early, strike out? No not exactly I only got one. Wifey handed the $500 to him and said here buy some baby food, with that mischievous grin she gets. Wow that must have been something! Wifey told me in complete detail exactly what went on. I said sounds like you had a really nice time. Wifey says here let me show you just how nice it was. That was one I won’t soon forget.

Wifey had a friend at work that told her that she and husband liked to swing, saying that he really had the hots for wifey. Wifey said without even thinking that sounds great, when do y’all want to get together. Cindy says how about tonight at your apt. Ok I need to call my hubby and tell him to wait up for us. Cindy says no let’s give him a surprise. And what a nice surprise it was. Jerry brought some uppers and some pot. A strange mix but turned out to be super erotic. We started out playing some games. Truth or dare was the first one. Wifey lost and was dared to take off an article of clothing. I couldn’t help but smirk a little before wifey says ok, stood up and with a quick jerk down came her tube top dress. There she was completely naked and smiling. Jerry almost lost it right there. Cindy was the next to lose, so not to be outdone by wifey she deftly strips off all her clothes seemingly as easily as wifey had. Jerry and I exchanged looks and quickly striped down to nothing. I said I dare you to stand up hold wifey real close and dance to this nice music. Jerry said oh hell yea. It looked so nice and erotic I took Cindy by the hand and we did the same. This was a first for all of us and soon juices were flowing from all of us. Cindy says I feel something running down my legs and I’m hornier than hell. Wifey simply says me too. I said to Jerry let’s see if we can make these women bust a nut. We did, they did. Wifey says I want to be fucked, Cindy said me too. We went on for about an hour taking turns with each other’s wives. Wifey blew my mind when she said I want a double, one in back and one in front. I asked her if she was sure and who she wanted where. Wifey says I don’t care let’s do it both ways. She sat on Jerrys rather ample dick and leaned forward a little telling me to lube up and put it in easy. That was my first anal with wifey, oh my God was she tight! Wifey says I thought it would hurt a lot but it doesn’t too much. I just feel really full front and back. Wifey says don’t just sit there start fucking me. We traded off a few times making wifey cum multiple times. Cindy chimes in, aw come on guys I want some of that too. Jerry and I wound up spending at least two hours switching off both our positions but also the women. The women got off more times than anyone could count. Jerry and I each had multiple orgasms of our own, some huge some small but all incredible. We each took the others wife and licked them clean. I had to stop at the ass I just couldn’t go that far the first time. It didn’t bother Jerry any though and he thoroughly tongue fucked Wifey’s ass driving her to another orgasm. What a wonderful night we all four laid on the bed together and drifted off to sleep. In the morning I asked Cindy if she would like me to suck her pussy, her answer was to quickly throw the sheet off and spread out for me. She was so much fun, she flowed freely and tasted fantastic almost like fresh peaches. Wifey and Jerry woke to see us having fun and couldn’t wait to get their own action going. Jerry mentioned how great wifey smelled and tasted. I said in all the time we have been together she is always like that even after a radical sex session, never been able to explain that one but I love it. Over the rest of the year we spent in New Orleans we treated each-other to many fun get-togethers with Jerry and Cindy.

I was home with the baby one Friday night when the phone rang, Hello? Hello is wifey there. No, she is working can I take a message for her. Yes, please tell her that Billy is back in town with a big surprise for you both. Oh, Hi Billy, wifey told me all about what a great time you had together. Billy says I sure hope you aren’t jealous or anything. No Billy the only thing that would upset me is if you didn’t give her a great time. To hear her tell it you sure did that. Billy said tell wifey it worked out even better than we planned. Please come to the Orleans hotel rm 104 as soon as she can get off work, that’s both of you not just her OK? I called the club right away and asked for wifey and was told she was on a table right now, so I left a message to call home as soon as she could. About 20min later the phone rang. I asked what took so long “when I got down the next table over wanted a lap dance” OK honey, Billy called and said he had a big surprise for us both after work at the Orleans. Wifey said hmm how intriguing. I called our regular all-night baby sitter and went to the club. I enjoyed watching wifey making all the young guys horny. Always great fun for me. One of the prettiest things I’ve ever witnessed was when all the girls were lined up at the bar waiting for drinks, twenty or more gorgeous asses all lined up for what seemed to be my own pleasure. Wifey got off a half hour early so we got in the car and drove over to the Orleans rm 104 and knocked lightly on the door. Just about the most incredible woman I ever saw opened the door. She said, hi I’m Amy you must be wifey and hubby. She looked over her shoulder and called out to Billy, wifey and hubby are here. Wifey had the deer in the headlights look on her face, this gal was at least six feet tall quite slim but not skinny, built a lot like wifey just taller. Wifey was thinking oh shit she is going to beat the shit out of me! Amy said it’s ok everything is just great. What you did saved our marriage and we want to thank you both. Wifey said no problem it was my pleasure with a sheepish look on her face. Amy said, and as I understand it, it was Billy’s pleasure as well. Wifey said oh hell he told you? Yup every detail but only after I got the treatment that you thought him. It worked magnificently, and we even found quite a few ways to improve on it. So, we thought it would be fun to come here and share it with y’all. Wifey said after what Billy told me I never dreamed you would want to do this kind of thing. Amy said my whole world just fell open before me, it’s like I’m a whole new person and Billy is just going nuts over it. Wanna see? Wifey said oh hell yea and jerked her dress off the way she always does. Amy got a kick out of that one and jerked her own off the same way, yea Billy told me about your dress, so I thought I’d get one too. Must say It’s a lot of fun especially at the beach, a real thrill for the young bucks there. Some of the old couples get an eye full too. I noticed nobody looks away or calls the cops. By this time Billy and I were naked as jaybirds too. I asked if they had any romantic music, Billy said the hotel pipes in a variety of nice music, so I asked him to find some slow dance music. I got kind of a curious look from them both but wifey knew what was up. I stepped up to Amy and took her in my arms and started dancing with her. She caught on immediately and gave me a very nice French kiss. Billy and wifey followed suit and were soon kissing passionately. Dancing nude with this beautifully tall woman was a terrific experience. Instead of stabbing her belly button with my dick I fit right between her pussy lips. My precum mixing with her lady juices and running down her legs was about as sexy as it gets. I said to Amy, oh my you kiss great, she answered so do you. Billy said wifey was kind of bragging on what a great pussy eater you are. I answered laughing no honey not eater, it’s sucker. If you let me, I’ll show you the difference. Amy said, soon I hope. I noticed that Amy was also smooth as a baby’s butt, when I asked her about it she explained, Billy was so turned on eating wife’s smooth pussy he promised me that if I kept it shaved for him he would suck me every night and maybe more. I had no problem giving him his wish. After a little while of this super erotic experience I noticed Billy and wifey were not dancing any longer. There were two king sized beds in the room and they had already claimed one of them. There was wifey just proud as could be sitting on Billy’s face. Amy exclaimed that looks fantastic. Do you think we can do that too? I said oh hell yes and lots more too. I saw the look on Billy’s face when I said that and knew he completely approved. Wifey and Billy were going at it like high school kids trying and doing everything they could think of, even taking prompts from Amy. Not to let them get ahead of the game Amy and I wasted no time either. I have to mention at this point that lately I’d been blessed with a string of great tasting pussy and Amy was no exception. I urged Wifey to take a break and come try it out. Wifey not being gay was as always hesitant but went ahead as she had with others and took a little taste. To my surprise the next thing I saw was Wifey’s face buried deep in Amy’s pussy. No doubt thoroughly enjoying the experience. After just a little while Amy said, OK 69 now! In the blink of an eye they were at it like real lesbians. (they were not) Wifey says to Billy after the girls had slowed somewhat. Billy since you were here I have learned some new tricks that I know you are going to love. Amy and Billy together said oh yea what’s that. Remember I wouldn’t let you have my ass last time? Well now you can if you are very gentile. Billy said oh I promise I’ll be the gentlest you ever had. Wifey got into her purse and pulled out a tube of KY. She lubed Billy’s dick up really good and asked him to lube her ass. He was more than happy to oblige. Wifey said before you take my ass please fuck my pussy real good OK? Billy did as asked obviously enjoying himself and bursting with anticipation too. After about ten minutes and a good orgasm on Wifey’s part, she says ok Billy go ahead and take me easy. Hey, started putting pressure against Wifey’s ass hole slowly increasing until the head of his dich disappeared inside. Amy and I sitting on the edge of the other bed in rapt attention and getting much hornier if that was possible. Watching and getting inspired. As Billy’s dick kept sliding in deeper and deeper and Wifey moaning wildly, Amy said I never even considered it a possibility before, but I think I would like to at least try if you promise to be really careful with me. I explained that as much as I love sucking pussy, I equally hate causing pain. Some level of pain can be erotic, but you will have to guide me there, don’t be shy about it either, please tell me what you like and want. By this time Billy was balls deep in Wifey’s ass. Wifey with no shame at all was calling for harder, faster, deeper. That was all Amy needed she was demand the same from me and right now! We got all lubed up and ready, I enjoyed fucking her pussy from behind as did she having an extreme orgasm in the process. I held back because I wanted to deliver my full load into her ass. We did just exactly as Billy and Wifey, going slowly and gently at first. This was the first time Amy had anything at all in her ass, not even a finger. When the head of my dick finally went in amy let out a soft scream. I stopped in place asking if she was ok and did she want to stop? Amy replied oh hell no let’s do this. Push harder please. In only a couple minutes I was in balls deep jus like Billy in wifey. Amy said ok start fucking me easy ok? As we went on Amy kept asking for more and harder and faster just like wifey. Amy having no experience had no ide she could cum this way, when she did it was epic. A real earth shaker. Of course, wifey would not be out done, did the same. After everyone had a few really good orgasms we decided we had to have a break. Some good wine went down smoothly as everyone basked in the afterglow. After a nice rest wifey says I have another new trick if you want to try it. I’m not sure Amy will want to try but we will see. Billy said tell us all about it. Wifey said no this must be seen to be believed. Both of you are a little large so it might be difficult. Do you want to try? Hubby just sat there with an all-knowing grin which had Billy and Amy both intrigued. Wifey asked Billy to lie on his back while she worked him up to full hardness again. With that accomplished she sat on his dick cowgirl style and aske him to please fuck the shit out of her. He gave it his best effort a soon wifey could feel him tense up ready to come. Oh, hell no hold it mister she demanded. After holding still for a little while he recovered his composure. Wifey said to hubby ok babe you know what to do. I climbed up behind wifey as she laid down on Billy’s chest present her already full pussy in full view of Amy and me. I put my dick at the 2o’ clock position. Pussy stretches side to side much easier than up and down. I carefully slid my dick in beside Billy’s and wifey says oh damn that’s great, ok fuck me real good guys! At this time Amy was sitting on the edge of the other bed with her mouth hanging open unable to believe what she saw. About now wifey started to scream in ecstasy having multiple super orgasms one on top of the other. Amy got that gleam in her eye that is bred of desire. She said Billy I never thought of anything like this, but I think I want to try it too. Billy answered I think you will love it but us men must rest a few minutes first. Amy got up clearly leaking copious amounts of pussy juice leaving trails down both legs. She returned with a fresh bottle of wine and four glasses. Amy patiently sipping her wine and leaking like a fountain in anticipation. It wasn’t very long till we were fully recuperated and doing some pretty good leaking ourselves. We asked Amy who she wanted on bottom. She answered it better be Billy because hubby has more experience getting it in on top. Once that decision the rest went fine with Billy fucking the shit out of her to get her ready, which she didn’t need at all. After a good hard orgasm Amy said ok let’s try to do this, please be careful it’s my first time you know. I said oh yes, I know, and I’ll be as easy on you as I was on wifey. I pushed her down to be chest to chest with Billy and started to work my way into her. When the head went in she let out a scream along with an instant orgasm. Amy said please keep going I think I like this. Slowly but surely, I worked my way in. Amy after holding still for a minute to get used to the fullness she felt asked us ok guys fuck me like there aint no tomorrow. We tried to count but everyone came up with a different number of orgasms Amy had. She fell asleep with both dicks in her and didn’t move for over a half hour. When she finally woke up she declared that was the best thing that ever happened to her. Amy said, wifey once again we are in your debt, you too hubby, you are a great fuck and a real champ as a pussy sucker too. I replied oh that’s the nicest thing anybody ever said to me. Well enjoy, you both deserve it. It is time for us to go we must get back to Dallas before nightfall. What do we owe you? I and wifey together said oh hell no we owe you! We would love to see y’all again. We are from Fort Worth and get back there occasionally. Amy smiled OK lovers it’s a date, just give us a call. You have our number, right? Yes, yes we do and have a safe trip home. Lots of hugs and kisses all around and we said good-bye, but it would not be the last time.

We had no way of knowing, but we would soon find ourselves in Fort Wort again, we’ll get to that later. After about 2 weeks and Wifey’s pussy had fully recovered from her double fuck, not that it slowed her down any but now it was a lot more comfortable. One Saturday night the boss called wifey into his office. He said I’m going to take you into my confidence and tell you, I’m a member of the local mafia. Wifey laughed and said hell everybody knows that. No shit? He answered. I have a big favor to ask you. OK ask, the worst is I’ll say no. Boss said well not really, we can’t really get out of this one. What does that mean? Wifey asked. Well is seems that the godfather has taken a fancy to you and wants you to spend the night with him. Wifey had seen the godfather an he was not an old man like you might think, but a handsome guy about forty-five or so. Wife asked him, a frank question? Ok honey shoot. Will this make things better for us here in the club? Boss said oh most definitely. Ok I’ll set it up with hubby for tomorrow night, my night off.
I put the baby in the car seat and off we went to what we thought would be a nice adventure, at worst easy money. About 8am wifey called me to pick her up, she was crying hard. What the hell happened, she said I can’t talk now just come get me. When I got to his lakefront mansion she was sitting on the steps alone and still crying. When she got close to the car I could see that someone had beat the shit out of her. After she was in the car and we were about 2 blocks away I asked her what happened, she answered, he abused the hell out of me he choked me beat me and brutally raped me front and back almost all night long. When it was over he gave me $20 lousy dollars and said call a cab. He drove away leaving me sitting on the steps bleeding. I drove directly to the club on Bourbon street. We left the car parked in a pedestrian walkway and went into the club which was still closed. I busted down the door to the boss’s office and said to him what the hell is the idea of this. He said oh my God what the fuck happened to you? Wifey told the whole story. Boss was so angry he could explode. He asked me what do you want to do about it? I’m going to kill him this morning and his family if I can find them. (May I remind you that I am a Vietnam vet and putting one between the eyes is about the same a stepping on a roach.) Boss man still fuming mad said I’ve had all the shit I’m going to take from this guy, here take this, He handed me a pistol case, inside was a S&W 9mm 15 shot pistol and three extra magazines and a silencer. No more conversation was wanted or necessary. I knew exactly where the godfathers club was out on the lake front. Wifey and I walked in, me with the pistol and magazines up the sleeve of my jacket. When We went through the pat down his body guards missed it. We walked up right in his face and said look what you did to my wife. You now owe her &10, 000 cash right now. He Said oh fuck you ass hole she’s just a fucking whore. I expertly slipped the S&W from my sleeve and killed all his body guards with a shot between the eyes, about eight of them I believe. By that time godfather had his eyes popping out of his head. I said OK now the price went up to $100,000 cash right now. He got smart with me and started telling me about all the terrible things that were going to happen to me and Wifey. I answered I know where your wife is, I know where your kids are and not only that I know where your brothers live. So, are you0 going to pay up or what. NOT he says so I shot him in the balls. That kind of pissed him off but he was stubborn and despite the incredible pain he still refused to pay. By then two more of his men showed up so I shot them too. I then I put the muzzle of the gun to his knee and asked one more time. He was a tough bastard, so I blew his knee off. After that he agreed to pay. We got our money and, on the way, out I told him now I’m going to find your brothers and kill them. As I was leaving I put one between his eyes. Then left to find his brothers, all four of them. About an hour later I found them in another bar nearby and killed them all just as easily as the others. My roach killing done for the day we went back to the club. I returned the pistol to the boss and told him his problems were over with that bunch, even the brothers. He couldn’t answer at first, he was in kind of disbelief. He said OK guys there are bunches of cousins and brothers-in-law and more, I suggest y’all leave town right now. Don’t even go home for your stuff just leave now! And by the way thanks a million that bunch has been a pain in my ass for years now. Here guys here is some cash to help you get started, $10,000. We never mentioned the $100k we took from the godfather. We went to the baby sitter got the baby and left New-Orleans forever.

We Escaped the New Orleans mafia without any problem. Wifey’s boss told her on the phone later that no one had the slightest idea who did it. Nobody was looking for us. That was good news for sure. We tried living in Fort Worth for a while, but it sucked. I heard about a fellow looking for a good mechanic and was willing to pay well for the right person. I interviewed with him for a ½ hour and was hired on the spot. Good job and served us well for 16 months. We moved into a small rent house only a few blocks from work. Very handy indeed. Wifey got sick and her doctor she had a uterine infection. I asked if promiscuity could be the cause. He said no, probably not, this is common and easily treated. She will have to get off the birth control so be careful unless you want to be a daddy again. Yup you guessed it. She went back on the pill, but we didn’t wait long enough and bingo we were Prego again. Ok only very careful sex and not much of it for 12 whole months. 9for the baby and 3 more for her to recover. Well, more like 2 ½. We finally got through and wifey was soon back to old tricks. I do mean tricks too. As soon as we were having hot and heavy sex again wifey started in with the “I want some strange again”. We had a few young men living on our block, so she started there. Of course, she wanted me to make the arrangements. On Saturdays almost everyone on the block would be out working in their yards. I told her to put on a skimpy bikini, she had a bunch. Wifey would get a small garden trowel and pretend to work on the flower beds. She didn’t have any problem finding excuses to wander around the yard pretending to work. Watering the yard was her favorite. Something about an almost naked woman with a hose turns guys on fast. My next-door neighbor, a single guy about our age was struggling with a large box in the back of his pick-up. I went over, introduced myself and offered to help him, he said sure thanks but first tell me what's going on here, motioning toward wifey. Oh, that’s just my oversexed wife. She loves to get as naked as legal and show herself off. Oh my god she is incredibly gorgeous and all that hair I never saw any that long. I answered yea it’s sexy as hell ain't it. He said oh, yes, it is, Is she oversexed? I told him yes, she tries to fuck me to death then starts in on whoever she can find. Would you like to try her out? Are you kidding are you telling me that you will let me fuck her. Yea fuck her eat her let her suck your dick, anything she wants. She wants? Yes, you only get to do it if she asks for it. Don’t worry she likes a lot of stuff and isn’t at all shy about it. Just so you know our favorite thing is finding new partners for each other. It’s usually a surprise but she is watching me talk to you and believe me she knows what we are talking about. I know she wants to play because she is still wagging her ass at you. He answered yea I noticed that, when? Right now, just tell her I said to give you a glass of iced tea. Then just do what comes naturally. If you spend some time telling her how beautiful she is and how sexy she is will go a long way toward getting into bed with her Don’t let it bother you if you see me occasionally, I kind of watch over her just in case. I also get off seeing her get the shit fucked out of her. He Said what do you mean just in case? Oh, just her security, especially the first time with a new partner. You mean I might get to do this more than once. I said unless you are rough with her or insult her or you have a small dick you will probably get it on a regular basis. Along with the rest of the neighbors in time. We don’t know any of them yet but as you can see she is working on that. We like the married men to have the wife’s permission or even participation. So, if you like her and keep from getting possessive about her, pass the word about her all around the neighborhood. Everyone must remember she is my wife and I’m only sharing. Oh, by the way I’m hubby She is wifey and who might you be? Uh I’m Dave. OK Dave glad to meet you. Your adventure is about to begin. We got his box into the house and he said I want a shower before I meet her, OK? Good idea I’m sure she will do the same. When she is ready for you I’ll let you know. I told wifey to take a shower and shave her twat. You are about to have company. Wifey says oh great I can hardly wait, I’m so horny after showing myself to the whole neighborhood. His name is Dave, he promised me to take good care of you and do his best to make you happy. He will also tell all the neighbors about you. The code is, may I have a glass of iced tea. If you think you might be interested invite him or them in and drink some tea and get acquainted. The rest will come naturally as you already know. I heard about a fellow that lost his wife a couple years ago. He has had no one since. Wifey asked how old is this guy? Old I said but in great shape for 74. Wifey said oh hell I can’t do that! I answered well honey if you did you would be a hero in the neighborhood and make a bunch of friends fast. Dave said he is Sam and a super nice and entertaining type of guy. Won’t you at least think about it Dave said he is tall and very fit. Wifey said ok I’ll think it over at that wifey started her shower. About half way through Dave showed up so I told wifey Dave is here and I already gave him his tea, come on out and get acquainted. To my great surprise wifey came out of the bathroom with only a towel around her head. Dave’s jaw dropped, and he said oh my god you are beautiful and oh so hot. Your hubby says you really like sex, especially with new people. Wifey says yes, if I like them, if they are nice to me. Hell, they don’t even have to be especially good looking. By then wifey had planted her ass right beside him. She was busy checking out his equipment, must have met her approval because next I saw she had her toung down his throat. I led them to the bedroom and left them to do their thing. When I left, I left the door open so that I could check on them occasionally. After just a little while I heard wifey screaming bloody murder, so I looked in to see what was going on. Wifey was riding him like a cowgirl jumping up and down on his impressive dick and coming repeatedly. He was not far behind about her third or fourth super orgasm he busted a nut. There was lady cum and his cum mixed together and running all over the place. It was a good thing that wifey had thought to put a towel down or we would both be sleeping on the wet spot that night. Wifey and Dave came into the living room looking like the cat that ate the canary. I had some nice easy music on, so I asked Dave if he had ever slow danced naked before. He said no I never had the chance. I said well it’s about the sexiest thing you can do except the actual act itself. Why don’t y’all try it I think you will like it. Wifey had cleaned herself up and Dave’s hard was at ½ mast. He took my beautiful wife in his arms and they started to dance really close. In less than 5 min he was at full attention and wifey was running rivers of lady juice from her twat. I said why don’t y’all put a towel on the couch and have another go? Wifey said oh please hubby won’t you join us, I want two at once so bad I can taste it. Dave said what do y’all mean two at once. I explained that wifey really liked to feel the stretch of two in her pussy, she hasn’t done that since the baby was born so we are about to get some seriously tight pussy. Dave said hell I thought I already did. I answered I’ll explain that some other time. Dave resisted lust a little, getting in there with another man might have homosexual connotations. Wifey said Dave once you do that with us you will realize how silly that is. So, there we were for the first time in over a year wifey was going to have her thrill. Wifey put Dave on his back on the towel and climbed on top and sliding down on his even harder dick. She leaned her tits against his chest and said ok hubby you know the drill. I was in with Dave before you could count to three. I said, Dave I think you must be quite a bit bigger than our last partner. Wifey chimed in oh shit that’s tight it even hurts a bit. Can you guys just hold still right there and wait for me to get stretched out? Being that we were both balls deep in her we had nowhere to go so wait we did. I kept feeling my dick throb so hard I thought I was going to bust a nut just holding it there. Dave mentioned that he was in the same condition. About five minutes later wifey said ok boys go slow a bit then you can go harder and so on till y’all are pounding the shit out of me. We did exactly as requested, Wifey cane harder and more times than I had ever seen her do. We went on till none of us had any more energy. We slowly and gently disengaged and laid back to recover a little. Wifey said to Dave, before you must go would you please fuck me in the ass. Sure thing honey I almost never get to do this so It’s going to be fun. Wifey said, don’t feel bad Dave, hubby almost never gets it either I’m just super horny right now, I need to get off a couple more times before we stop. Wifey said when they had achieved the desired results, Dave you are the first strange I’ve had since before I got pregnant, that was a while ago. Thank you so much I just loved every minute. Please come back and bring some friends and I’ll give y’all a real show.
The next day, Sunday wifey had just put the kids down for their nap. Once they were down they never got up till we went in and got them. After wifey got sat down and relaxed there was a knock at the door. Wifey answered the door and there stood an old gentleman with a head full of beautiful silver-grey hair. He was about six foot three and quite trim. He was in great shape for his age. He said hi my name is Sam. Wifey answered I thought as much, won’t you come in yes thank you. Wifey not one to beat around the bush asked Sam, how old are you Sam? He replied I’m 73 and I’ve been a widower for three years. I haven’t even talked


cuckold wife


Poster: Larry Freeman