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Wife and the Preacher (Part 1)
We had been long time members of a congregation and the "good' couple in most eyes but of course we had our secrets. We ended up getting new pastor and unlike the retiring pastor this new one was younger and I thought was doing a better job.

After him being there a while we ran into him and his family out at a restaurant and he shook my hand and hugged the wife and not just a little hug he really hugged her. We both said that was kind of awkward with his wife and sons standing there. We saw him the next few weeks in church and never attempted a hug and just shook her hand like he did most all of the congregation.

A couple weeks later me and her were at the mall and we ran into Don again but this time by himself. He shook my hand and reached his arms out to hug her and it was the same type of hug again. We talked for a minute and then left. Once in the car the first thing she said was she thought he hugged her like that so he could feel her tits pressed against his chest. I laughed and told her that was just her imagination and she said no he kept pulling me tighter. I said but I was standing right there so he would not be doing that.

She left it alone saying I was probably right. A few weeks later we had a banquet and me and her had clean up duty so we were there after everyone else had left or so we thought because as we finished up Don walked in and spoke and thanked us. She was standing at the sink and there was a big table behind her and Don walked behind her to shake my hand. We talked a few minutes and then we left. Once in the car first thing she said was I knew I was right. I asked what she was talking about and she said when Don came to shake your hand he rubbed his hand across my butt. I said probably just bumped you and she said no he rubbed my butt with his open hand.

Nothing else was said and again every week he acted so professional and proper. A few weeks later we stayed and restocked the kitchen pantry with a few other members and as we were finishing up Don came in and spoke to everyone and then made his way to us and mentioned that he had heard that she made the best friend chicken in the church and then basically invited himself when he said you will have to make it and invite me soon to dinner. She said we can do that! Don then said the wife and boys are going to her moms for a couple of days if you are open to cooking for your preacher.

Being the "good" church wife she said sure what day and it was settled on Saturday. We left and she said well I guess I am cooking Saturday and told me he is different for sure. Though not old at all Don did not have much hair, had a pretty big belly and she said he was not a looker that's for sure. He showed up on Saturday with shorts and a polo shirt and even though she had her hands in flour he wanted a hug and it was again a doozy and I made sure to notice that her tits were pressed tight to his chest. Me and him went and talked while she finished up and he was very talkative about everything.

After we ate and headed back to the den she announced since she smelled like flour and grease she was going to take a shower and told Don if he happened to leave we enjoyed having him. I quickly found out he had no intentions of leaving anytime soon as he was again very talkative. After a little while I excused myself and went back to the bathroom to let her know Don was still there. She said why the heck is he still here. She was in panties brushing her hair and she said I guess you want me to come back in there then. I told her yea she was not leaving me to entertain him.

She reluctantly said I don't really want to but I will not leave you in there so give me a few minutes. I patted her butt and said just put on some shorts and a t shirt and leave the bra off. She spun around real quick telling me no way as that's the preacher not some of my friends. I laughed and said well the "preacher" has got as many feels as some of my friends have. She laughed and said but still I cant come in there braless. I told her Don was just like everybody else and seemed to be a even bigger perve than most. I told her I better go back before he comes looking for us.

I walked back in and Don was looking at pictures we had on the wall. We had a wedding pictures and some on our honeymoon cruise. We sat back down and he kept glancing down the hallway and then asked did she decided not to come back and I made a comment about he should know women have to get all fixed up. He then said oh good so she is going to join us then and I replied yea shortly. A few minutes later she walked in with some grey terry cloth shorts on and a pink top and surprisingly no bra. She walked on by us with her clothes to the laundry room and Don got a chance to see her butt in the semi tight terry cloth shorts.

A few minutes later she came and joined us and evidently she had played with her nipples to get them hard as they were very prominent. This sight was not wasted on Don. She sat and talked with us and Don did not seem to hide the fact that he was looking at her breasts as he was talking to her but his eyes were looking downward.. She asked did we want something to drink and walked in the kitchen to get it. Followed her to the kitchen and walked up behind her and squeezed her butt and told her she was being a little prick tease. She told me you asked me to so I did. I told her she was doing a great job and she again reminded me that this was not one of my friends.

I moved up behind her and kissed her on the back of the neck and said to her you have never had a preacher. She moved out from me and said okay calm down. Don called out did we get lost in there and she said no we will be right there. We went back in and she asked did he stay up late or were we keeping him from something. He told her that he normally does and that if he went home it would be to a empty house so he was in no hurry and plus he liked our company. We talked a while and then she mentioned she needed to go get some clothes and things ready for tomorrow (church)Don said oh don't leave us you can do that later. She laughed and said Don not sure about your wife but I have to try on ten outfits before deciding.

He then piped in again and said ok you go try them on and come back and let us make our suggestion. She laughed and said I don't need suggestions on church clothes. I the spoke up and said well how about this go and try on shorts or something till we find some we really like. Don said yea that sounds even better. She kind of rolled her eyes but she knew she was going to do it. She was gone a few minutes and came back with some blue shorts on. Kind of plain. I laughed and said bad choice. She went with several different pair before coming out in her "sexy" blue jean shorts. These were shorts we doctored with the scissors and they looked great on her. Don said those look great.

I then told her okay that's the pair so now come back and hang out with us. She smiled and said but this top does not look good with these shorts. I piped in and said oh yea go put on the top we fixed up to go with the shorts. She knew what I was getting at as she has a white tank top that we cut out the arm holes a whole lot. She told me to come show her the one I was talking about. We got to the bedroom and she said are you sure you want me to do this. I told her oh yes I do. She then asked was I just wanting him to see her boobs as I knew he would be able to see them. I told her that sounds hot. A pause and says he is our preacher are you sure. So I reminded her he has went out of his way to feel her boobs mashed against him and has rubbed your butt.

She stood there a minute and then said if I come out with this on then he will surely see a lot. I went back in and Don asked did you show her the right one. I laughed and said oh yea it is definitely the right one but she is reluctant to wear it in front of the preacher. Don quickly said no worries there I will never mention that I saw her in it. I told him well she is putting it on and will be here in a couple of minutes. She walked back in and her nipples were very hard now and once she sat back down Don was able to see most all of one tit.He said that is a very nice shirt.

We talked a few minutes and Don looked over at me and then reached his hand over and took one finger and pulled the arm of the shirt out a little where he could see her nipple. He just said very nice. Don glanced over at me again before reaching his hand back over and slid his fingers in the shirt and rubbed his finger on her nipples. She jumped but quickly settled back down. Don took this as a okay and basically put his entire hand in the shirt to play with her tit


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Poster: Greg