Mark and I talked more about his use of my wife as his party slut. He told me the parting had gotten out of hand and the word had gotten out about my wife dancing on his pool table naked. And then that we got her down on it and banged her! Guys told guys and he had told guys and 25 guys showed up the next time and she had done it again! And now it had gotten out of hand with pictures and advertising! He told me the advertising was in 8 different bars in the area! I ask if pictures were posted with them? Not yet but you know my brother who was married to her sister, He wants her shown off! You know he fucked her last night here! Actually he had her three times! I saw the pictures of them fucking! So I can stop this now, but most everyone has heard about it! And guys are bragging they fucked her! You may have 300 guys here for the next one! How are you going to get them all in here? They are bringing in picnic tables out front, maybe 25 or 30, and a table from my kitchen for her to dance and fuck on! I am having 3 big spotlights installed out side to show her off! But I can stop it. Is she willing to do it? You know she has seen the ads for it! She heard my brother say he is going to post her nude pictures in bars all around. She has not said a word! You know my wife danced nude several times. But when word got around and everyone from town was coming to see her, she backed out! I think yours wants this to happen!