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Our Journey Part II
Our next assignment took us to the Deep South. The base was in a fairly rural area that was definitely stuck in a different time period.

The segregation of blacks and whites was quite obvious. I found it sad in a time when it shouldn’t be so. It definitely had an impact on Monica. She seemed to be more hypersensitive to the racial tensions as well as open racism that seemed to persist unchecked.

We did settle in eventually and made some new friends. I tried as much as I could to protect her from always being around the racial crap. I would schedule weekend getaways or have parties at our house out in the country.

What I couldn’t protect her from was the racist undertones at her job. Yes even in the military that kind of thing could creep in. She worked in an office where she was the only black person. There was one guy in particular named Paul that would get under her skin a lot.

He never crossed the line completely as being racist. But he would often tout his southern heritage in ways that she found offensive. They had exchanged some heated words a few times after having some discussions. Both trying to sway the others opinions.

I could always tell when they would have a throw down. She would come home and talk about how pig headed stubborn Paul was. I asked her if she wanted me to take him out back of the wood shed for an ass whipping. She teased that she wished I would. Paul was taller than I was by a couple inches. But very slim, the long distance runner type. I was pretty sure even Monica could whip his ass.

I tried to get her mind off him by asking her if she gave any more thought to trying swinging or a threesome with another guy.

She told me what happened with Clemon was a one time thing. Then she asked me if my real intentions were to get a green light to have sex with other women. I told her I thought about having sex with other women. But what turned me on more was her having sex with other men.

She admitted she enjoyed having sex with Clemon. But was concerned cause she also had feelings for him. That bothered her because she thought she could only have those feelings for her husband. It scared her and she wasn’t willing for me to have other feelings for other women.

I reassured her it was normal to have some attachment to someone you had sex with. Especially if it was more than once. That didn’t reassure her much. She kissed me deeply saying. Your the only man I want. I was disappointed but I loved her with all my heart. I let it go.

We joined a coed softball league. Fate would have it Paul ended up on our team. It didn’t take long to figure out why he was divorced. The guy was arrogant that’s for sure.

He and Monica would banter back and forth during practices and games. She gave as good as she got. I did pull him aside one day, telling him Monica didn’t need my protection from guys like him. But I did warn him there was a line he shouldn’t ever cross.

He would still dig into her at times but I could tell I was in the back of his mind. After a great ballgame one night and a big win over an undefeated team. We had the whole team over to our house for food and drinks.

We had a large pool and jacuzzi which went over great with the team after a marathon game in the southern summer heat.

Of course Paul showed up and after a few beers his arrogant nature showed out. Somewhere along the way I saw him and Monica sitting off to the side having on of there debates.

I just shook my head grabbed a fresh beer and joined the others in our pool. The party eventually died out and people left. Monica and Paul were still at it.

One thing was clear was they were both drunk. There voices were loud and Monica was dropping the f-bomb regularly. Paul was telling her she was the typical angry black woman.

I walked over telling them both to calm down. Monica was steamed up. She slurred out a “Don’t tell me to calm down!”. She added, “I’m putting this racist bitch in his place.”

I looked at Paul with a raised I brow. He stuttered out that he hadn’t called her anything derogatory. Monica came to his defense noticing the veins bulging in my neck.

Paul was still hung up on arguing for his southern heritage and she was demanding he admit the dark side of that heritage. I blew out a a deep breath and I’m not sure if it was being tired or a little buzzed. But I looked at them saying, “Neither if you will ever budge. Why don’t you both just fuck. Put all that energy to something more fun.”

That was the first time Paul never had a “last word”. Monica looked at me like I was fucking crazy.

She stood up and stormed past me to the house. For a split second Paul and I had something in common. We both were watching her walk away. Intent on her beautiful ass swaying side to side. She entered the house slamming the door behind her.

I looked at Paul and shrugged. Then I asked him if he really hated her. He lowered his head and sighed. He said he didn’t hate anyone and actually had come to respect Monica. He admitted that she had changed some of his perspectives on race relations.

I asked him why he persisted on arguing with her. He was silent for a short while. He asked, “Were you serious about what you said earlier? You would be ok with her and I having sex?”

I told him, “I personally think you are an asshat. But I love her and am ok with whatever she wants. I personally think you have the hots for her.”.

He laughed saying, “I guess I can be an ass a lot of times. I admit I think Monica is amazingly hot. Regardless, she really hates me. I don’t think she would think of me in a sexual way if I was the last man on earth.”

I responded, “Probably not.”

I could tell he was still pretty drunk. I asked him for his car keys and told him he was spending the night. We went into the house and I gave him a towel to take a shower. I showed him to a guest room.

I expected Monica to be asleep when I entered our bedroom. She was sitting up in bed with her arms crossed still fuming.

She had showered and was wearing a short teddy. Her dark skin glistened with lotion. But her facial expression killed any notion she was in the mood for having sex.

I went into our bathroom and showered. When I got in bed she let lose on how Paul was a bastard and me for my earlier comment about them fucking each other.

Her eyes bugged out when I asked her to keep it down as Paul was in the next door bedroom. She took it to a whisper but wasn’t pleased with that revelation.

I told her I wouldn’t let him drive drunk. She accepted my logic. I could hear Paul exit the other bathroom and go into the guestroom.

Monica calmed down some and talked about how angry and frustrated Paul made her. I told her what Paul said about how she had made him rethink some of his prejudices and he actually respected her.

She said “What!? Why in the he’ll cant he just say that to me? Why does he still insist on being an asshole?”

I thought about it for a second. Then told her when she and I first met. She actually intimidated me a little with her directness and assertiveness. I wanted to keep talking to her so I would intentionally ask questions I knew she was passionate about. We often had some heated discussions which led to me starting to fall in love with her. But she would also constantly remind me I didn’t have a chance with her.

I told her she was having the same affect on Paul. Through her strength of will and passion she made him rethink ideas he had about people of color all of his life.

She was hanging on my every word. I smiled adding,”I think your great ass may have also had an influence on him as well.”

She said, “Boy please!”

I told her to go talk to him and ask him why he hadn’t told her what he had confided to me. She looked at me for a long time. She couldn’t hide her stiffening nipples that clearly shown through the shear fabric.

She rang her hands together then added more lotion to her arms and legs. Clearly struggling with her own thoughts.

I rolled over on my side and she shut off the light. She was restless. After about ten minutes she called my name. I was awake but didn’t answer her. She seemed to fidget even more. She got out of bed walked to the bedroom door then stopped. She walked back to the bed stopped then back to the door.

She took a deep breath opened the door and walked out. I noted she still only wore that shear teddy and panties. I could hear her knock on his door. He responded and she entered. I didn’t miss the fact she closed the door behind her.

I could hear them talking and a couple mutual apologies. I thought things were heading south for a second when I heard Monica raise her voice. What I expected to follow was a tirade if expletives.

What I did hear was her moan loudly. With that I was up with my ear to the wall. Monica said, “ That’s it white-boy eat my sweeet black pussy!”

Paul took the challenge and had her moaning and talking nasty until she screamed, “Oh fuck yes!”

She commanded him to lie on his back. They both moaned as she mounted his cock. I was stroking myself at this point. Monica was riding him hard enough the bed was beating against the wall.

She asked him if he liked her black pussy. Paul answered, “Fuck yeah!”. Monica rode him to a screaming orgasm. Soon afterwards Paul flipped the script and was fucking the hell out of her.

I went to the guest bedroom door and opened it just a tad. The nightlight gave enough light to make them out on the bed. They were facing away from me. Monica was face down ass up with her hands gripping the bars on the headboard. Paul had a hand on her back pressing her into the mattress as his long thick cock pistoned in and out of her pussy.

Monica was grunting and moaning uncontrollably at this pint. She started to raise up but Paul roughly pushed her head back down. I half expected her to get pissed at that. Surprisingly, she moaned even louder and said, “Yes, fuck me hard make it hurt!”

She came hard throwing her ass back hard matching his thrust. Paul pulled out revealing a very shiny long thick cock with a huge head. His dick just looked wrong on his skinny frame. He stroked it a few times before he blew his load all over her ass and back.

He fell on his back gasping. He said, “Fuck that was amazing!”.

Monica was still face down ass up still coming down from her last orgasm. She could only murmur, “Ummm hmmmm.”

I went back to our bed. I could hear them talking a little bit. Then Monica came back to our bed. She cuddled up to me whispering, “I know you watched us. You forgot to shut the door.”

I rolled on my back sporting a rigid hard on. She kissed me deeply. Then gave me one of the best blow jobs in the history of blow jobs. She actually took my cum in her mouth for the first time.

She showered again and climbed into bed. Exhausted we both drifted off to sleep. I woke up just before dawn. Monica wasn’t in bed. But the steady thumping of the headboard next door gave her away.

After they finished she showed Paul out. She came back to bed. Spread her legs and let me see her dripping pussy. I rolled on top sliding my hard cock balls deep. We fucked like crazy. She came and I followed. She held me tight whispering,”You like my black pussy?”



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Poster: Ike