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Still Panicked
Recap: I beloved my wife Kate and I had it all. Great careers a beautiful home and the means to travel and experience life. It all came crashing down when her friends Sandy moved back to our city after her divorce.

Sandy came out of her divorce wealthy and uninhibited. Basically to protect her wealth she decided it would be a long time before she considered remarrying. So she took on two lovers one of whom (Lawrence) was also wealthy and was the founder of a high end swing club.

A little refresh on my Kate. She is a beautiful all natural ginger. She Melos her thick hair cut short and has the prettiest hazel eyes. She is an avid runner with amazing firm long legs and a firm round ass. She also teach Pilates on the side which keeps her alround fit and flexible. Her breast aren’t large but the are firm with soft very pink nipples.

She is more sensual than she believes. Her walk or just the way she carries herself are alluring. Put all of the above combined with her pretty freckle specked face and bright white smile. You have my Kate.

Her reunion with a now very liberated Sandy woke something in Kate that was dormant. Or at least I had no clue existed. She was a virgin when we met in college. After we married she apparently fantasized often about sex with other men.

When she told me about these fantasies now becoming desires. I was angry, hurt and scared. I resented her friend Sandy. When we were invited to visit the swing mansion. I hoped seeing the depravity first hand would make Kate come to her senses.

Ultimately, I was duped by Kate and Sandy and the visit turned into me watching Kate get the fuck of her life from Lawrence. Afterwards I was shattered more so by Kate’s lack of remorse.

She basically gave me the choice of going our separate ways or accepting our marriage had evolved into something different. It felt so cold to hear her put it that way. Part of me wanted to pack and bolt. But she also told me she loved me and I knew I still loved her.

I put everything on she would come around and we would return back to Adam and Kate. The couple all of our friends wanted to be. Even with this hope I was a mess inside. I couldn’t get the look of ecstasy on her beautiful face that was there when Lawrence made her cum the way she did.

It scared me not only because of the way the sex affected her but the fact that as much as it revolted me it aroused me even more. I was feeling shame as well as having my ego crushed.

So that is where we were over the next few days. Talk was limited between us and absolutely did you involve the other night at the club. She did get a couple calls from Sandy which she moved into the other room to take.

It only made me resent Sandy all the more. She was leading my wife into a cult as far as I was concerned. Kate would’ve never cheated on me with Sandy’s influence. After one of these calls as we ate dinner. Kate brought up that she planned on going to the mansion on Saturday night.

I felt my bike rise but contained myself. Just the fact she only mentioned herself as if to clearly let me know she would go alone even if I chose not to go irritated me. I looked at her a long moment then said,”Ok, what time should we plan on getting there.”

She said it was going to be a masquerade theme night and we needed to purchase mask. We were going to meet Sandy for dinner first at six. Again my stomach lurched. I assumed Lawrence would be there at dinner as well with some smug look on his handsome face.

We had sex that night. The first time since she cheated. There was definitely something different about it. She did have an orgasm but it was nothing like what occurred with Lawrence. Afterwards she went to sleep and I laid awake most of the night worrying.

Saturday came and Kate looked amazing with just the right amount of makeup and a black dress that showed off her long dim legs. She wore heels high heels high enough to where she almost looked me in the eyes evenly.

She told me I looked very handsome as well. We drove to the restaurant Sandy picked out. Like her house and her life it was rich. She was already there at a table with her date.

I was pleasantly surprised to see her date wasn’t Lawrence. He was black and looked in his mid to late twenties. He was about my height 6’, but with broader shoulders and a perfect v-shaped torso. His hair was clipped short and he sported a well trimmed goatee. He had a square cut jawline with the most perfect teeth I had ever seen. Most striking was he was very dark skinned. Making his smile seem ultra bright:

Sandy introduced him as Calvin her friend and personal fitness trainer. I didn’t miss the sparkle in Kate’s eyes when Calvin took her hand and kissed it. I half wished Lawerence would of been Sandy’s date.

Dinner was amazing as was the wine which I was drinking more of than I normally would have at dinner. Sandy did most of the talking. Spending a lot of it complimenting Calvin on getting her back into shape both physically and mentally after her divorce.

I had to admit Calvin seemed to very well grounded and mature for a younger guy. We left our car at the restaurant as it was in the way to the mansion. Plus, I had a pretty good buzz on and didn’t want to risk driving. Calvin drove a large fully loaded suv. I guess keeping rich women fit paid for more than just the average bills.

We walked out to his vehicle and I watched the girls walking ahead of us. They were quite the contrast. Kate was taller and more lithe than Sandy. Sandy was shorter with larger breast and wider hips. Her hair was blonde almost platinum straight an hung down to the middle of her back.

She had thick muscular thighs and calves with a small ankle tattoo. She wore a year round tan that gave her a bronzy glow. Her baby blue eyes were always sparkling with youthful energy.

It wasn’t a long drive to the mansion but when we arrived Calvin parked in the private drive of the mansion, not where guest normally parked. I was confused but still a little buzzed from the wine.

The part of the mansion we entered was a home. A butler type greeted us at the door and led us into a large room the was finely decorated. Their were about a dozen other couples there already.

Even though we all had those silly half mask. It was clear that Calvin and I were the only two men younger than fifty. All the men had some level of grey hair albeit some had more hair than others.

Some of the men were fit others on the heavy side. What was the same was that all of the women were well under forty. We mingle with this group for quite a while. I was surprised to find out a couple were judges and more were lawyers like myself.

There were doctors and politicians amongst the crowd as well. Talk was about normal things but you couldn’t mistake the sexual tension. Their was constant touching. Hands would linger on an arm or waist.

One particular gentleman named Stewart about 6’2” with broad shoulders and an ample girth seemed fascinated with Kate. I listened to them talking. He was also a doctor as is she. I didn’t understand what they were talking about at all. But I did notice his meaty hands constantly touching her as they talked.

She didn’t seem to care as if it was some casual professional discussion. Then it dawned on me that Lawrence was no where around. A gong sounded and everyone turned toward a large television screen.

On the screen was a handsome salt and pepper man with a bright smile. Lawrence greeted every and apologized for having to be out of town. He wasn’t long but announced that he had designated Calvin as the nights host.

Every eye turned to the young black man. He was beaming with pride at the announcement. Lawrence wished us well and told us to have a great time. Calvin turned the tv off. He stood at the front of the crowd saying,”Lawrence asked me to host in his absence. However, tonight he also wanted me to be assisted by hopefully one of our soon to be members. Adam, please join me.”.

People clapped but I had no idea what to do. Sandy, pushed me forward to be at Calvin’s side. I stood there completely at a loss what to do. Calvin asked for a few moments to educate me on my duties. He pulled me to the side as the other returned to mingling.

Then the shocker came. This wasn’t just a party. Calvin informed informed me that all of these men were senior members who’s donations kept the mansion running and exclusive. None of the women were married to any of these men they were all wives of other men that were also members. I was getting a bad feeling.

Looking out at the crowd I realized the numbers weren’t even there were more women than men. All much younger than the men as well. He handed me a stack of seal notes with women’s names written on them.

I was to call out the women’s name and hand them the note. As I called each name the woman would come forward to take the sealed note. When I called Kate’s name she took the note and looked me in my eyes. I was hoping once again she would come to her senses. She smiled at me took the note and moved back into the crowd. Then I noticed the only women’s name I hadn’t called was Sandy’s.

Sandy called out to the women to follow her. She lead them out through a side entrance. Calvin told the men to go to their assigned rooms. They noisily left through a different door than the women. Slapping each other on. The back like good ole boys.

I turned to Calvin asking what was going to happen. He informed me that every second Saturday the club was reserved exclusively for the founders and special members. The men were to prominent to attend during general membership weekends. He laughed adding,”Discretion is also required as none of these men’s wives are aware of their husbands being members of an establishment like this.”

I finally got it! My wife was a gift to one of these men. I had been duped again and there was nothing I could do about it. Calvin then directed a few of the staff members to ensure they were available to the guest as needed.

He then asked me to follow him. We ended up at small cinema room I had watched Kate cheat with Lawrence on a large screen. Calvin asked me to pour us some drinks while he did something at the console.

He finished and told me to get comfortable it might be a long night. We sat up front he picked up a remote pushed a button and the curtains opened. I half expected to see Kate fucking Lawrence as part of an even crueler joke.

Instead of one large screen it was a wall of separate screens. All with views from the rooms upstairs in the two left and right hallways. Men were in different states of undress. Some had showered and others were lying on the large beds or sitting in chairs sipping drinks.

Soon some of the doors stayed to open. Women in mask entered only wearing short robes. Some were offered drinks other immediately lies on the beds with the men or sat on their laps.

The talked or simply made out. I strained as I speedily looked at every screen trying to see if one of the women were Kate. Even with the masked I could tell none of them were her. But almost half of the rooms still had men waiting.

Then some of the men were joined by two women. Again I scanned and rescanned each room. I would know Kate when I saw her.

My mind was almost at information overload as things started to heat up. A slim guy with white hair eating a young dark haired woman’s pussy as she ran her hand through his hair.

Multiple women sucking their partners cocks. One couple in a mutual sixty nine. Another woman already bouncing on a mans cock while sitting in a chair. My eyes kept scanning then I passed by a screen catching a glimpse of red.

Scanning back it was definitely Kate she was standing toe toe with a man I could identify even with his mask on. It was Stewart the heavy set doctor that had been fawning all over Kate. He knew she was his match. I wondered if Kate already knew as well.

The were kissing passionately both still masked. He slid her robe off her shoulders letting it fall to the floor. She removed the towel wrapped around his waist. His cock was about as long as mine but as thick as his fat wrist. He had a very hairy chest and stomach.

What I thought would have been repulsive to her. She seemed fascinated with. Her hand ran over his hairy chest as they kissed. Her other hand was stroking his fat prick.

He pressed down on her shoulders with both hands pushing her willingly to her knees. She started to suck him he looked up at the seeing as if he was praising the heavens. Kate was fondling his hair balls ass slowly sucked him.

I did another quick scan of the other rooms. Most of the people were fucking in assorted positions. One room had a blonde riding a cock as a darker hairs women rode his face. I perused back to Kate asking Calvin if he could turn on the sound.

Stewart asked her to stand. She did and he turned her away from him. He had her lean forward with her hands on the bed. He knelt down behind her burying his have in her ass. Kate hissed and went up on her toes.

Stewart was spreading her firm ass cheeks as he lapped at her ass and pussy from behind. Kate was now moaning while telling him to keep eating her ass. After a few minutes her knees buckled as she came.

Stewart stood turned her back towards him and kissed her somewhat roughly. Again I thought something like that would give her pause. Instead she hooked one of her long legs around him grinding her clean shaven pussy against his body.

I about came out of my seat as Stewart roughly pushed her down on the bed. Kate squealed as she hit the matters hard. He climbed on top of her and roughly pushed his fat prick into her. She cried out in pain which turn into her saying,”Fuck rough! I love this!”

I couldn’t believe my ears. He leaned his head down and bit her nipple again causing her pain that she seemed to enjoy. His hips started to move in short thrust. Kate was grunting more than moaning. His bulk was pressing her into the soft mattress.

The she yelled out, “Oh fuck yes! I’m cumming!”

If it weren’t so hot it would of been comical. Literally all I could see of her were her long legs outstretched impossibly wide. And her arms and hand flailing at his back. He raised up on his hands as he fucked her harder. I could see his stomach slapping against her flat stomach. His cock looked like a beer can stretching her pussy.

Kate gripped his fore arms as she was hit with another orgasm. She arched up crying out as she had a very intense orgasm. I couldn’t believe a guy of his size had this much stamina. Then I noticed a pill bottle on the night stand.

I panicked thinking Kate couldn’t take much more of this kind of pounding from a guy this big. Stewart has other things in mind. He had her in all fours as he worked his fat prick into her again.

Kate was now fucking back against him. He reached down grabbing a towel off the bed and wiped the sweat from his face and torso. Meanwhile Kate’s hips and ass were being thrown back at him.

He gripped her hips and started to fuck her hard. She came again shooting off his cock lying face down with her face buried in the mattress. She was rocking back and forth moaning in orgasm.

Stewart reach for a bottle from the night stand. It was lube which he applied to his fat cock then liberally to her ass which he rubbed in with his fat hands. What she said next let me know she knew this match was prearranged.

She rolled onto her side saying,”Ok I’m ready.”

He spooned her as she lifted on leg up in the air with one hand like a yoga pose. Stewart took her virgin ass from behind. He went slow but her face gave away the pain. After he was all the way in and moving in and out slowly he started to rub her clit with his fingers.

She went from grimacing to having her eyes closed and mouth open moaning as load as I have ever heard her before. It seemed like he was in her ass forever. Then she came as her eyes rolled up in her head.

Stewart started to grunt and twitch emptying his balls in my wife’s ass. I was so mesmerized I hadn’t heard Sandy come into the theater room. She was kneeling in between Calvins legs sucking his long very black cock. She was naked with her thick tanned ass wiggling.

I was hard as a rock. I took one last look at Kate and Stewart. She was lying limp on her side. He was on he back spread eagle huffing and puffing. I kneeled behind Sandy rubbed my cock up and down her slit. She looked back at me and smiled before putting Calvin’s dick back in her mouth.

I pushed into her wet pussy and she moaned. I gripped her hips and ducked her furiously. I let all my anger at her come out. She came on my cock just before I exploded into her.

I fell back onto the floor my head spinning. I really thought I was going mad. I could hear Calvin groan as he came in her mouth. A short time later Sandy was gone. Calvin helped me up. He told me he would get me back to my car. Sandy would get Kate home.

I was to worn down to argue. I got my care and went home. I climbed into bed and fell asleep emotionally exhausted.

Be back soon.


cuckold wife


Poster: Adam S.