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Getting Wendy wife fucked.
Part 2
dogging in the 60s and 70s was not something you advertised, not like today where it is out in the open and lots of wives enjoy the pleasure of cuckolding there husbands,
The contraceptive pill allowed wives to have sex without the risk of pregnancy, so there was never any shortage of hot wives eager to drop there knickers while hubby was at work,or sneaking out on a night, just going to see a friend dear, the friend was usually about 6" to 8" long and full of baby batter,
Wendy was a typical housewife, 24yrs old when I first met her, 38-25-36, two kids, hubby worked shifts, a perfect little family, except for one thing, Wendy had a itch between her legs, a friend of her and her husbands Tony was scratching it for her all through her marriage,
he would call for a quicky when hubby was at work and get his bollocks emptied..

When Tony found out she was seeing me, he came to see me at work, tried putting me off her, he said that Wendy was his, I knew she had told him there relationship was over and had told him to stop calling when husband was at work, but he wouldn't take no for a answer, he used to wait for me dropping Wendy off after she had been out with me and try to get her to get in his car, but she always refused, or so she said..

By the time I'd been seeing Wendy six months, I'd pumped multiple loads of spunk up her cunt, and around ten doggers had seen all she'd got without her knowing, then the shit hit the fan, her husband found out, he was not a happy bunny that I had cuckold him, he stopped her going out, he had a neighbour keep a look out for me calling, by rights I should have called it a day,but there was something about Wendy that attracted me to her, I was not happy in my marriage, and Wendy was not happy in hers, we kept in touch the best we could, no mobile phones in those days, took a few months before she could get out again,and in the meantime Tony her ex fancy man was free to pester her again,although he admitted he didn't get into her knickers again,at least not just then..

When Wendy and I began meeting again we carried on where we had left off, a couple of drinks, then straight to the dogging location, shagged the arse off her in back of my van to the delight of my dogging mates, they had plenty of crude remarks to make about her when we met up for a natter, her name was entered into a little black book that one guy kept, there idea was once I'd tired of her one of them could look her up...

Well I never tired of Wendy, are relationship became stronger and stronger, when her husband found out we were still seeing one another the marriage was over, Wendy left him, took kids, and got a council bungalow, a couple of months later I left my wife, who was very bitter towards Wendy, called her a whore, and vowed vengeance against both of us....
Wendy took what she could from the marital home, but needed the cooker, she told me Tony had volunteered to move it, he got a mate to help him, but once cooker was in place he sent his mate to wait in van, Wendy offered to pay him,but it wasn't money Tony wanted, they entered into a bit of a tug o war, Wendy trying to keep her knickers on while Tony was trying to pull them down, it was a no contest, he was bigger and much stronger, shagged her on kitchen floor, and told her he'd be back for more, when Wendy told me what had happened I said I was going to sort him out, but Wendy said no, forget it as it will just cause more trouble, naturally I still went to see him,he said she'd been willing and it was payment for moving cooker, told me straight that if I was planning on playing happy families with her I had better get used to having sloppy seconds, that now she'd left her husband she'd be fair game for any hot blooded male, and that I'd be mad to set up home with her...

It was in late 1972 that we began living together, so taking her to dogging locations was out of the question, we had a bed to do our shagging in, at first I was content just being with Wendy, but Tony having had his way with her on kitchen floor was never far from my mind, he continued to phone her or would drive past,she kept the door locked as he was likely to walk straight in...

When her best mate Barbara began to bring her new bloke Ken to visit us, he couldn't keep his eyes off Wendy as she wore mini dressers or skirts, all the rage at the time, showing off her Shapley legs, I was certain he could see her knickers, at first I was jealous, but then the thought that he could see Wendys knickers began to excite me,I would sit there trying to conceal my erection, whenever I fucked Wendy I had only to think of Ken fucking her and I'd shoot my load, usually well before Wendy was satisfied..
Eventually I decided to tell Wendy that Ken was ogling her legs and looking up her skirt, I did not get the reaction I was hoping for, she said that I should have told her sooner, that Ken was a pervert, that she would wear longer skirts, when I told her I didn't want her to, that only made her more angry, she said I was as bad as Ken, this was our first fallout and it was a few days before Wendy forgave me....

It was Wendy who was first to mention Kens name again, she said she had seen him in village a week ago and he had given her a lift home, I was surprised that she had accepted a lift from someone she had said was a pervert a week ago, when she said that Ken had come onto her, I expected her to have another rant, but she calmly told me that with her mum and kids in bungalow,she had felt it safe to invited him in for a coffee, but when her mum left soon afterwards and the kids went out to play, Ken had turned into a octopus,hands everywhere, up her skirt,up her jumper,and he only stopped when one of the kids came in, by then I was that aroused,I told her I wish he had been able to go further, that's when she told me that Ken had phoned her several times asking her to meet him one night...

A few nights later as we were washing up after tea,Wendy told me Ken had phoned her yet again asking her to meet him, she said he had told her that he was going to drive driven past our bungalow about 8-30pm and park near some garages, as it was already 8pm I said didn't she ought to be getting ready, she said she no intention of going, she just thought I should know, then she said did I really want her to meet him, I said why not, 8-20pm she came out of bedroom tarted up, mini skirt,high heels, she asked me if I was sure, I watched her walk down the street, Ken past a moment later...

It was turning 11-30pm when Wendy returned, she looked flushed and bedraggled, the sign she'd had a good fucking, Ken had fucked the life out of her, she said he had the biggest cock she had ever had, she admitted she had enjoyed the experience, and that she would do it again if I wanted, I licked Kens salty spunk out of her well fucked cunt, I told her I wanted Ken to fuck her on a regular basis like Tony used to do when she was married to first husband, To be continued

Over the next few weeks Tony was hardly mentioned, Ken continued looking up her

So a few nights later I set it up so the bedroom curtains were slightly open, giving a perfect view of the bed, as arranged Ken was at the rear of our bungalow at 10-30pm, both Wendy and I slept naked, when I spoke to Ken the next day at a quit location he was full of praise for the way I had positioned Wendy to give him the best view possible of her assets, he said a big purple mushroom head on it, Ken said that now he had seen Wendys hairy cunt he wouldn't be satisfied until he had buried it up to the hilt in her...

kens comments prompted me into action, I had already bought her plenty of sexy underwear, that she would Change into once the kids were in bed, she looked a right hot little slut, she couldn't wear stockings and suspenders to go out wearing a mini dress, but agreed to go out minus her tights, just wear little knickers, I told her I had seen Ken eyeing her up, at first she made out she was not interested, Barbaras chap was a no no in Wendys eyes, but as I kept bringing up his name she began to respond, said she had seen him looking at her legs, little did she know he had already seen what was between them, when I said she ought to leave her tights off when Ken called, give him a flash of her knickers....

The next time Barbara and Ken called, Ken and I went for our usual pint together, on returning I noticed that Wendy was not wearing her tights, I kept a close watch on Kens face, sure enough he had also noticed, Barbara was oblivious as to what was going on right under her nose, there was a empty bottle of wine on the coffee table, Wendy had had her share, given her a bit of Dutch courage, I kept seeing her legs part slightly, just wide enough to let Ken see her knickers..
After Ken and Barbara had gone Wendy and I had our best fuck session in agers, Wendy admitted it had turned her on to flash at Ken right under Barbaras nose,

Ken was waiting for me when I finished work the following Monday night, said that he had had a birds eye view right up between Wendys thighs, when I told him it was no accident that Wendy had no tights on, and that afterwards she had admitted it had turned her on to flash at him, we both agreed she had the makings of being a good slut, Ken asked how far I wanted to take matters, I told him I wanted him to spunk up her,leave me sloppy seconds to clean up, firstly though I had to persuade Wendy to let Ken fuck her, which I thought would be easily said than done,


cuckold wife


Poster: Geoff