My new life as a Cuckold hasn’t hurt my marriage, just the opposite has happened. I have a dead shriveled up dick.
My bout with prostate cancer has left me with a useless penis and no desire to have sex in any form.
I feel my feminine side is taking over. My wife told me it was fine, she didn’t need sex anymore. I knew otherwise.
It didn’t take a year and she was already having an affair with a old friend of hers. I swear, when word got out I was a uniq.
The bulls started circling. When I asked her about it, she didn’t try and hide it but responded by saying it was only sex. She needed it but promised she had no desire to leave me.
I accepted it, besides what else could I have done. I only asked her to let me know who she’s fucking and to keep it discreet as possible. I must say she does that very well.
I pretty much stay out of her sex life and try to be supportive the best I can. We get along better than we ever have. We watch chick flicks together and I cry more than she does. She jokes about my being so emotional and says she is going to finish the rest of my sex change.
My testosterone level must be really low because I swear I would suck a cock if she asked me too. Anyway, she has dated many men these past few years and we openly talk about her lovers when she brings it up.
I have given her lots of advice on what men like and how to give great blow jobs. This past year she has started dating black men and she says she’ll never go white again. She tells me black men are better lovers and have bigger cocks. I have always heard that but she swears it’s true.
I believe her because she showed me her pussy the other day after returning from a date. I was surprised to see how big her vagina was. There is no way I could please her now, even if my dick did work. She tells me how many times she orgasms when they fuck. It’s incredible.
I have met many of her boyfriends and she has invited her newest lover to dinner. He actually stayed the night and left after I made breakfast for them. He couldn’t keep his hands off her even in my presence. I can tell she’s in love with him and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t worried. I guess if it happens then nothing I can do will change it and if I say anything it might drive her away sooner.
I tell her I’m happy for her and I love her dearly. She always responds with I love you too. We sleep in separate rooms now so she has the master bedroom for her boyfriend when he stays. We don’t kiss or show any affection to one another other than talking.
I feel she looks at me like I’m a girlfriend. I tried using viagra after surgery but my penis never responded. My doctor is a female and in the beginning it was embarrassing to talk to her about sex, but now I don’t care. I told her I have given up on sex, besides my wife has a boyfriend on the side that keeps her happy.
She told me that was actually pretty common for prostate cancer patients. I feel she was only trying to help with my sexual activity to just please my wife. When I told her my penis was so small I couldn’t please a mouse. She laughed and agreed. I use to have seven inches, now you can only see the tip.
Taking a piss is an experience. I squat like a woman and wipe after pissing. My bladder control really sucks as well. My doctor is young and very attractive. I feel like a woman seeing her gynecologist at times. I have regular visits for blood test and she always ask me to drop my pants. She checks my scars and touches my penis asking if I have feeling.
She thinks she can make it work again but I don’t really care. I’m pretty sure all my neighbors know about my wife’s activities with the men coming and going. I don’t really care about that either. She’s a few years younger than me and I’m 60 now.
I think she’ll be sexually active after I’m dead and gone. My new life as a Cuck is better than the alternative.