I married a cheater but was so naive I never suspected her. She got away with it for years. Little did she know I secretly masturbated to cheating wife stories every since I learned to jerk off.
This carried on into my married adult hood. There were many flags I should have noticed but didn’t think much about it at the time. My wife making jokes about my size like “it looks just like a cock but only smaller “ or “it’s cute”.
The size of her vagina made me feel small. She also asked why I spunked such a small load. Then I thought it was just fun hearted teasing. Now I know. She always told me I was a bottom and not a top guy. She would always fuck me on top milking me quickly with her strong grip and sit on my face and rub herself off while I licked my own semen from her pussy.
She made me believe that was the only way she could orgasm. Tasting semen in her pussy became normal and I never questioned it. One evening we had gone up to her parents house to visit her older sister who was in town. She was married also.
A car pulled up outside and her sister went outside. I asked my wife who was it. She said it was an old friend of hers. Didn’t think much of it. The following evening we went up again and she wasn’t there. So we visited with her parents. A car pulled up and turned off the lights. Curious who it was I walked out the back door and around the house and saw my sister in law getting it on with another guy in the driveway.
It as dark and I didn’t recognize him. I went back inside and told my wife and she got angry I was spying on her and had no right. Eventually she came in and went straight to her room and my wife went to talk with her. Later we left and I asked her about it. She told me it was an old friend of hers and nothing happened and it was none of my business.
I dropped it though I thought it was unusual she was covering up for her sister. Her sis just like her fucked guys behind her husbands back too. When I caught her red handed she finally confessed and when I confessed I was turned on by her cheating she opened up in time when she knew it really was my thing.
Later I learned her sister knew everything about my small dick and Cuckold desires. She would drop small dick jokes in my presence and smile at me. She even referred to me as her sisters bitch. After all, she was the one who taught and encouraged my wife to Cuckold me.
My wife told me her sisters husband fluffs her lovers for her and asked if I loved her enough to suck cock for her too. I told her maybe but haven’t yet. She is still pushing me and told me if I would, then I could watch her fuck. She told me she really doesn’t enjoy sucking dick but was needed sometimes to get her lovers hard for longer fuck sessions.
I gave up my marital rights to my wife’s pussy. The only time I get pussy if she allows me to lick her clean. I love watching her openly flirt with men when we go out. It’s amazing men flirt with women when they are with their husband.
My wife said she gets more cock when I’m with her than when I’m not with her. I’m happy to help her anyway I can.