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The Cuckold Within
Very often I see the question "how did you get started on this?".

My story is a little different. I was married for 5 years, got divorced, but I kept in touch with my ex. She had a new bf who was out of town a lot so she called me for sex every now and then. Soon I found myself on her apartment, thinking about her making out with the guy and it was exiting.

I started asking questions like who has the bigger dick, who's the best pussy eater, that sort of things. She saw that I got my hardest erections this way, so she started to play along. She got undressed and told me how her bf was sitting on a chair, how she pulled his dick out and sucked it, how long he could last banging her... I was blown away by these stories.

We were married 8 years and all this was just 6 months after our divorce. In a way, I still considered ourselves a couple. Her relationship with the new bf felt like she was cheating on me. But yet, it was exiting as hell. I start wondering what would be like if she had a bf DURING our marriage. If instead of hearing the stories, I could have sit on a chair and watch the whole thing.

Back then, I started to look for "cuckoldress abilities" on every potential new girlfriend. It wasn't easy. There were a lot of up's and downs, but those are complete stories by themselves.

And that is how I discovered my inner cuckold. How did you find yours?


Some time after I discovered that I liked this sort of stuff, I hooked up with a new girlfriend. I choosed that girl because she was the slutiest one arround. I was really sure she will comply with the cuckolding thing, or at least some soft wife sharing stuff.

After a while I asked her to tell me about past experiences while we were having sex, it was awesome. Some time later I asked her about doing something for real, involving another man. My excuse, she always wanted more action and I was strugling to keep up with her. I told her "you are very demanding, maybe we could have one of my friends to assist once in a while".... I could tell she liked the idea, but she said she was afraid that after that I could grow jealous and leave her. She was afraid that I could be setting up some kind of faithfullness test. So I didn't touch the subject and decided to wait for the right moment to make my next move.

One day we were going out with another couple. The guy in this other couple was a friend of mine. Long ago he told me about a girlfriend sharing adventure he had once, and I told him I wish to do something like that some day. So I knew he was a good candidate and he knew I liked that sort of things. But for that day in question, nobody was planning anything, we were just out on a double date.

All 4 of us went to see a movie, then went to my friends apartment. We had some beers, talk for a while... he started kissing his date, I did the same with my girlfriend. Things were getting hot, and my friend told me, "I'm going to my room, you two feel free to use the couch. He disapeared to his room with his date, I took a more confortable position on the couch and my girlfriend sat on my lap facing me. I opened her blouse, loosed her bra... and just when I was about to take off her shirt, my friend's girlfriend opened the room's door... "sory! sory!! cover yourself I have to come out... the babysitter called, my baby got sick, I have to go!". My girl had no bra, but still have most of her shirt covering her, I said "it's ok, we haven't started anything yet". She came out, took her purse, keys, and headed for the door. My friend followed, said her good bye and closed the door behind her.

My friend (let's call him tom, to make the writing shorter) had a face of complete disapointment, and a hell of a hard one still noticeable on his pants. Right then, In a split second, I conceived this master plan and put it in motion.

My girlfriend (let's call her tina) was on my lap, facing me and the wall, with the blouse opened, her nipples hard, pointing my face. Tom was a few feet behind her. I grabbed ginas breasts, softly and started kissing them. I knew she loved that, she just closed her eyes and concentrated on feeling my touch. Then I said "well tom, I'm sorry you lost your date early but I'm not giving you back your couch". He pointed at the bedroom, but before he could say anything I opened my eyes very wide, put my evil smily face and moved my head slowly indicating NO. Without saying a word we undestood my plan. "Men that girl sure left me with a hard one... damm!" he said. And I responded "Well I guess that let you with the last resort, use some porn and go jackoff the whole thing". He smiled back, the only TV was by the side of the couch.

Tom played some lousy porn and sat in front of us prettending to be looking at the TV. "Just let me watch some of this, let me know when you need more privacy". I kept touching and kissing tina's breast, ocassionally looking at the TV. She also looked at the movie every few seconds, and kept closing her eyes when I sucked her nipples gently. I began to take off her shirt. She grabbed my hand like trying to remind me we were not alone. Tom stood up "well I will go to the room" he said... "From there you can just see her back, that's nothing". She let go of my hand, I took off her shirt and send it accross the room. Tom sat down again looking more at us than at the movie. I kept following the action on the porno, looking for something I could use to push the situation further...

Then, in the movie, a girl started to suck a guy's cock in a lousy manner and I thinked 'that's my que'. Tina was an expert dick sucker, very proud on her deepthroating abilities. So I said "men that movie is the lousiest I ever seen, that girl doesn't know how to suck!" and made Tom some signs insinuating that Tina was an expert dick sucker. He understood and said "well, it's true the movie is a lousy one, but in reallity all women do suck like that". Tina looked at the TV and laughed...

me -- You are tripping men, that girl is not even passing half dick.

tina - she only sucking the head.

tom - and? that's the way all girls do it in reality. Only porn stars go down all the way.

me - tina does.

tom - men, it's bad enough that my date left... now you start fucking with me.

me - hey tina, he doesn't believe me.

tina - for real, I can get it all inside my mouth... it's easy once you learn how to do it.

tom - go to hell guys, that's only seen in movies.. that's a trick.

I looked at tina ... "do you care to suck all my dick in front of this non-believer?"

tina - ok...

She stood up, still keeping her back to Tom. I stood up, undress myself from the waist down, trying to find a way to make her turn arround and show her breast to tom.

me -- I will stay standing, don't want this non-believer to think i'm moving back. Let him without doubt, it can go inside your mouth all the way.

I took her by her breast to keep her from covering them and slowly turn her around. Now she was facing tom and I was slightly at the side. As she sat down, I let go of the breasts, uncovering them. She looked at me a little shy, then looked at tom. Tom avoided looking at her breasts that second, trying not to give her a reason to cover them. I felt my dick was going to explode, just by knowing that tom had a full view of tina's wonderfull C cup breasts. Tina started working my dick slowly, sucking it all the way up to my balls.

Tom started to touch himself, with his pants on. I signal him to take them off and get closser. He did it very slow, trying not to call tina's attention to much. He got closser to get a better view, and to get closser to tina's mouth. He was standing almost at my side, massaging his dick. I took a look at his dick, noticing it was about an inch larger than mine. Knowing how proud tina was of her abilities I said "I'm certainly lucky I have it the right size... it feels so great when every inch is inside." Tina took it out and said "oh I would have take it anyway, I still have a little more space"... And kept sucking... "I imagine a little bit would not be a problem, but tom's anaconda would have some trouble finding a girl that could take it all". Tina looked at tom and opened her eyes in sorprise... she didn't noticed he wasn't in the chair anymore. She stared at his dick... Quickly I went deeper into the topic to keep her from chickening out, try to make the situation feel 'natural', trying not to break her mood. "I told you, anaconda". She laughed "it certainly it's bigger, but that size it's still workable"... and went back to sucking my dick. "and she really could compete with any porn star" I said, encouraging her to 'perform' for tom. She started sucking more passionate, moaning and looking at tom. And tom was stroking his dick, looking at her.

She was already naked from the waist up, so I was originally thinking of a way to get her completely naked... but the way things were developing I thought I could skip that and get her to suck tom. So I asked her to keep my dick inside for a few seconds... she did... then I grab her head and pulled her a little bit more. She took it out and cough ....

me -- you see, my size is as far as you go, you can't take any more meat...

tina - I CAN, it's just that I have to do it on my own... you see, when it is all the way down, I can't really breathe, I need to know I'm free to pull out, breathe and take it back in...

me - let's check it out ... just to see if you can... you don't have to do a whole blow-job, just try to get it in once, to see if you can...

tina -- you mean....with....

me -- yeah, with tom... it's just a few seconds....

She hesitated one moment and said "ok" with a smile. I moved aside and tom took my place. She looked at me, sent me a sexy kiss, and slowly, put all of tom's meat inside her mouth... then, still looking at me, took it out... "see... I CAN"... she waited a few seconds, I guess waiting for me to took my place again. After all, my bet was to put it inside once... and that was done. But instead I steped back and started stroking my dick. She then looked at tom and started sucking him for good. At that moment I knew, she surrendered herself to her desires.

I waited there for a while. From there, I just needed to lead the way a little bit longer.

me -- And she not only does it good, she enjoys it like hell. She's all wet down there, I can see it trough her pants.

She opened her legs and looked...

tina -- oh! these pants are white, they will stain...

me -- took them off... your usual tongs cover more than your bikiny anyway...

She stood up up and took her pants off. I sat down, grab her by the waist and give her a half turn, placing her butts to tom. "see the tong? it's completely wet.." tom looked... but didn't touched. I turn her again .. "and on this side is a lake" tom looked with his eyes wide open... I wanted to shout him 'wake up budy!'.. so I touched her tong, feeling her pussy... then move it slightly to one side, revealing her shaved pussy and slided one finger between her lips.."check out how slippery she gets when she's horny"... and tom slided one of his fingers gently... I pulled back my finger and pulled her tong to side hard, giving tom more room. "She is not made out of porcelain you know".. I said, and tom started fingering her more aggresively. She closed her eyes and started moaning again. Tom give me a sign to get her to the bedroom. I stood up and grabed her ass and we all move to the bedroom without getting our hands off her. In there tom kneeled down and took off her tong, admiring her beautiful pussy. I made her kneel on the bed, dogie style, put myself behind and slided my cock inside her pussy... I trusted hard into her for about a minute... I was so fucking horny that I was about to cum, so I withdraw and signaled tom to go in.

Tom started fucking her, very slow, admiring her body, grabing her ass. I spanked hard and she moaned... "I told you she is not made out of porcelain" Tom trusted his way in like there was no tomorow... spanking her, pulling her hair. With everything in motion, I went to the other side and lay on the bed putting my dick in her mouth.

me -- Do yo enjoy that dick on your pussy?

tina -- yes! yees!

me -- then suck my cock! with the same swing!.... oh yeah.. like that... now, who are you fucking with?

tina --ohh! your friend!

me -- tell me you like it!

tina - I like it!! I like fucking your friend!!

me -- you are doing it in my face! say it!

tina -- I'm fucking with your friend! in your face!.. I like your friends dick! It's so hard!!

tom - I think I'm going to cum!

me - Tell him that it's ok... tell him to shoot inside!

tina -- Cum inside! cum inside me tom!! fill me up with your cum!!

tom --- yeeeeeeaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh..

tina -- yeah.. I can feel it!.. it's so much... it's so hot!

(tom withdraw)

me -- show me!

Tina turn herself and showed me her pusy open wide... then tom's cum started to come out og her hole....

tina -- wanna feel it?

I touched her pussy and slided a finger inside, touching everything.. with tom's cum, still coming out.... Then she stroked my dick I think just twice, and I shoot so hard it reached her face!

We rested a few minutes, then started fucking her again. We took many turns during the night. I lost count of how many times I cum. I still masturbate often to that memory.

That night I wasn't really 'cuckolded'... I was 'helped'... more like a wife sharing thing during a treesome. But it was the start of her 'cuckoldress training'.


cuckold wife


Poster: Orl Cuckold