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Our First Time
I consider that it is likely this community will find we do not fit here as our only qualification is that of me being a cuckold.

Other than that Paula and I are unable to live up to what I have read here. We do not go on dating apps, or go to bars or hotels, pickup random men and having mind blowing sex. We do not, have never and will never have a gang fuck.

We have never been blackmailed, nor would she ever “fuck my boss”, humiliate me, or any of the host of events people of this world experience here. Paula doesn’t wear “slutty clothes”, doesn’t own a dress, I do not dress her up for dates because she doesn’t date, has never worn a thong or heels, doesn’t shave, wear makeup, own any “come fuck me pumps” (I don’t even know what those are).- she does have really, really nice underwear, I see to that.

I love that she doesn’t wear makeup except maybe a favourite scent every now and then. However, decades as a dedicated yoga teacher has gifted her an amazing body. She is lean, strong, muscular and very flexible, fantastic in bed, in the kitchen, in the garden and in the laundry.

She has boundless energy and loves fiercely. We have an often-intense relationship, with strong differences of opinion, a devoted marriage with tears and shouting and stress and love. We homemade, home birthed, home school, our children and what we write here is all true. What follows is our first time – which turned out to be not our last.

Our first time- John

It is important to know that my wife considers sex and children to be sacred. She never has nor never would use any form of contraception, other than a remarkable awareness of her own body, and was 100% absolutely against ever, ever sexually taking another lover.

One day while making love, I once expressed a desire to watch her fuck. That was a no, not now, not ever.

Paula’s words

I found his suggestion to take a lover as shocking , disrespectful and gave me a thought that perhaps I was no longer enough but “I did not want to kill his passion so instead of saying NO I simply made it an impossible task. I said if he ever brought a man to our marriage bed then it was a one-way step and could never be taken back. If he brought a man to our bed that man would have equal access to me in every way he did for as far as that ever went. I would make no distinction between them. As a result, he would never leave. he would always be there even if he wasn’t physically present. From that day on he would be my lover and part of our lives” it seemed to do the trick, John never mentioned it again.

John –
Lover is an important word. I read here people hook up with complete strangers and 15 – 20 minutes later have a mind blowing orgasm. With us it was never so. In our marriage it took time to understand one another to get in sync to know what each other liked and did not like. If Paula was ever going to have another man inside her the very shock of the first few times would be entirely used in breaking down barriers. Any pleasure for her would take many couplings to achieve. They would need to learn of each other, accept each other and relax into each other. A casual one-off fuck would not do it and bring only damage and destruction to our marriage.

In the end the absolute hardest thing for me, after finding someone I could accept as a brother, was actually asking him to have sex with my wife. So many times, I almost asked, but choked. I could not form the simple words out of my mouth as they stuck in my throat. For the moment I uttered those simple words was the moment I gave my wife away, That was the moment within myself I became cuckold and that was the moment I had to accept any consequence of Paula never using contraception. In the end it took me two years to blurt out my request. It was in the workshop one summers day. He laughed, loud and long, and said he would love to.
After that it was a slow burn. I did not tell her I had asked him. Neither of us mentioned it again. If that intent ever became known it would have been an instant hard closed door tp both of us on her part.

It was gradual process many visits over a long time. He and I worked together and after hours and weekends we worked on the house. Paula really liked that – getting the house fixed. She liked him and she liked us working at home. Long days painting, building and repairing meant there were many days here when he was home for lunch and here and there at our dinner table for dinner. After about six months this became a regular thing. The kids liked him, and he was accepted by the cat. More and more he grew into become part of the family dynamic.

Our The first time -Paula

My husband was very clever he started small but remained constant – he would put a flower one small bud of a miniature rose in a little vase on my bedside table so it would slowly open whenever he was away. He never referred to it, we never discussed it, it was just there
He would buy random cards and write in them and hide them in places I would find later – like a thank you card in the laundry cupboard – or a travel postcard every time he went anywhere.

Occasionally He might make the bed and put a small chocolate on it he had gathered from some hotel
The house was being fixed – that was the clincher that was real happiness for me.

I would get up in the morning and find the stove had been cleaned Always a winner (never underestimate the seductive power of a clean kitchen – we made love on the kitchen table over that and were almost caught be a neighbour visiting – escaped only by a whisker)
Things evolved; I might find a pair of new undies under my pillow but only if he was not there. A gift for me, not a gift for him.

As communication increases– happiness comes – security and comfort and trust and honesty grow. I know here such writing may be considered irrelevant however I can only relate to you my story AND then one night there it was –a good friend, a man not much older than myself , a man who had actually, technically , first met me when I was 14 yrs old on errands for my mother. A man who had become part of our family circle. He was there for dinner not an unusual thing in itself but that night it got very late, and I whispered to John “when is he going home “and my John whispered back “he isn’t”.

That was the moment I realised John had never forgotten what I said, and after years of complete silence on the matter he was now expecting me to live up to my own words So, what do I do now!!!!?

The first time -John
one night it was very late. the kids were long in bed, dinner done, dishes cleaned and Paula whispered that is was very late and when was he going home
and I whispered he wasn’t going home
all she said was Oh.

At some point understanding must have dawned on her. Maybe it was when he and I made a futon bed on the floor of the front room, showered, and went to bed. Maybe it was when she was alone sitting in the dark on the bed in our room. She sat alone, in the dark, for a long time. It had to be her choice. That was important.

Long after we were both asleep I awoke as she slipped under the covers between us and snuggled hard up against me. She and I were on our sides facing each other. She was beautiful, she was holding tight on to me. I stroked her hair and her back. I lifted her leg and placed my knee between hers which opened her thighs. She pulled herself even closer and in the twilight was looking into my eyes

I kissed her as he moved in behind her and eased her panties down at the back.

I could see the shock in her eyes at the exact moment his erection first touched her body. Her changing expression as his cock slipped along her slit between her legs. She caught her breath, a moment of rapid inhale and her body froze rigid. She could feel the head of his penis at the entrance to her vagina. Her mouth opened on an inhale. Involuntarily her hips flexed. I knew the head of his penis had slipped past her lips and was opening her vagina. I saw her eyes change as he slowly deliberately and fully entered her from behind.

She moved her head back with half closed eyes and pulled me tight he started to slide his cock in and out of her. Gently slowly, in and out. The sound changed as her body became slick for him. He pulled her hips back to meet him and they really began to fuck hard. She grabbed me and was staring into my eyes as he neared climax. I knew she could sense it, and I saw the change in her as he stiffened, shuddered, held her deep and ejaculated. I saw nothing and yet I saw everything. One tear escaped the side of her eye glistening in the half light. She never ever looked so beautiful to me.

Overall, it took her maybe eight to ten times of us having sex like that before she could face him, once she could face him, I was no longer needed and their relationship took its own path. She stayed true to her words as I do to mine. I was released to do other things in life. Yesterday I came home from three days away with work I walked past our partially open bedroom door and Paula was on all fours naked actively fucking she saw me standing watching as she focused on his cock inside her and her orgasm.


cuckold wife


Poster: John