Speaking on the phone (phone wank!) to a girl on a sex chat line (& there have been recent letters concerning chat lines), she mentioned an interesting observation!
She said she had 2 cuckold callers whose ‘actions’ in their cuckolding were diametrically opposite. She explained that one wife, whilst performing with her lover, would almost always look at her husband, sat nearby ‘enjoying himself’; her face swollen with lust, shamelessly & openly having really hot orgasms which were enhanced by the fact that her eyes were trained on her masturbating hubby all the while; her way of letting her husband know how good it was, how much she was enjoying it.
And then the opposite, the phone chatline lady mentioned, where the performing wife absolutely refused to look at her husband. The cuckold suggesting that she was too embarrassed to look him in the eye, & all the while having orgasms quite quite shamelessly.
But even more interesting, her lover kinda taunting her by repeatedly telling her, urging her, “Look at your husband”, “See what your husband is doing”, “Don’t you want to watch your husband masturbating?”, “Tell your husband that I’m better than him”, & so on. But she too too ashamed, too too embarrassed to do so!
I reckon, both behaviour equally arousing in their own ways, despite being diametrically opposite.
Wonder what type of cuck are you! Me? The former type, BIG time, but can appreciate the virtues of the latter as well.
Comments please!