A new survey revealed that men's fertility diminished, not from like 50, but MUCH earlier, like 35! Now this could have devestating results--- not just that, but this research also revealed that a child born to an older man was more likely to have genetic weaknesses, or even that the mother could mis-carry! Add to this, an earlier research stated that women were getting MORE fertile--- so put these facts together, & we are talking about wives in their early 40's NOT wanting sex with their husbands of the same age, but with younger men, so that they can produce superior babies--- indeed produce babies at all, what with the potency of old hubby SO diminished! Think of the ensuing cuckoldry. Think of young studs going round breeding the wives of older men. Think of wise old men KNOWING the risks & allowing, albeit reluctantly their wives to be impregnated by these handsome virile young studs, with them being made to watch! Imagine a whole HOST of cuckold babies being born following these medical reports!
Imagine MY position. I am 50, my lovely wife just 40, & ready to conceive. She's seen this report & now has doubts--the new neighbours have a youngish son, maybe in his early 20's--- tall, handsome & blond, & I've noticed the way that Carol eyes him up! Summer is starting, she's at home, & I work a lot away. This lad seems to be at Uni, returning home at strange hours--- they smile at one another! Carol is broody & she's seen these reports--- am I a "cuckold waiting to happen"?