This is for once, not about my wife Helen who now lives with her black lover, David. It is about my second ex-wife, whom I shall just call RB. She had a lover called Kevin about whom I knew and approved.
Because he was married, they had nowhere to go to have sex, so they would go out and find a quiet little 'Lover's lane' somewhere and have - uncomfortable - nookie in the car. I ..
A fellow cuck who envies what I have wrote to me this weekend and he asked me the feelings that i experience when David comes inside my wife's unprotected pussy.
Those whose wives have black lovers and those whose wives are carrying their lovers' babies will understand. When Helen brought David home to meet me and to confess that she had been seeing him for months was a great turn ..
After the last 4 years with Natashe, I recently realized that my Latina Hotwife was training me to be the perfect cuckold. When we have sex, she tells me about all these huge loads of cum she want me to lick clean from her pussy. Since I told her I was excited about her having affaires, she started to talked to about them and she even said she would make some movies for me... Now she is very hungr..
About 1 year after my wife began her affair, I had only had sex with her once. She would not allow me
to have sex with her. I was so horny knowing that she was fucking another guy that I was to the point of masturbating 3-6 times daily, whenever she was not at home with me. She spent about 20-25 days a month away from home.
I discovered chastity while surfing and looking at porn. It..
I have heard from several fellow cucks in the last couple of days and wonder if any can answer my questions: Why do I love knowing that my wife will only part her legs for her black lover? Why does it turn me on so much that her pussie which was mine now can only be touched and fondled by another man? Why am I so thrilled at knowing that another man’s penis is inside her, pumping her full of h..
It has been 2 very interesting and very sexy days since our guests arrived. For those of you who don't know, my wife Helen had an affair with her black lover, David and she fell pregnant to him and she moved him into our house. They had a baby about 3 weeks ago and they want another. David's brother Rod and his white partner, Val are over in Australia with us for 3 weeks from Jamaica and they h..
im 55 & have a fantasy about forced bi cuckhold experience im married and scared to death of being busted by my wife we havent had sex in 3 years there is no chance of her agreein to my fantasy
My girlfriend broke up with me 2 days ago. Somehow Steven got her number and started sending her "thank you" messages for the naked pics, he told her id been sending him pics of her for his site. She called me into the room asked me about it and after about 5 minutes of arguing she through me out. Now im forced to live with Steven and my mom again. He wasted no time in making life hell. Iv spent t..
Ben gilmoor (I am a cuckold, sissy slut, chased sex slave) date 30/08/2011
Yesterday I had to wear the contraption that had been fitted on Friday until 2 pm as my mistress enjoyed the pain it was causing, I was promised that if I took everything she had in mind for me all day I would be
allowed to make love to her, so all day I done the chores and took several canings , at ..
Sadly, certainly in the UK, men (not so much women) with red (ginger) hair, SPECIALLY if it is THICK red hair, are, if not despised, certainly un-rated (for want of a better word) & disliked--- being bullied at school, at work, discriminated in the market-place etc; I suppose their treatment is not THAT dissimiliar to that often metted out to non-whites.
This leads to the question. If this ..
I live in south mississippi. Im not what youd call a redneck or anything but southern traditions run strong in my family. After some extensive research into my family history my family did in fact own slaves and in 1857 there was a riot and my great great great grandmother who was about 15 or 16 was rapped by a slave. All those involved were beaten and lynched and "order was restored to the estate..
Im 24 fairly in shape and iv got and average 6inch dick. My wife is 5'7 124 with beautiful bcups with small pink nipples, brown hair, green eyes, and pretty nice ass. In everyday life we're a normal couple in love but she has certain urges she cant control. Maybe once or twice a month she likes to seek sexual thrills. She often just walks up to guys in bars and asks if she can see there dicks. Sh..
I can't believe that I am sharing this embarrassing story about this incident. Last year my wife and I went into the city to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary.
Our kids were staying with the grandparents and my wife really dressed up super hot for me. We ate and drank and drank some more. It was our plan to get a hotel room for the night and have some much-needed sex but because of a b..
Been a week or so since I last posted and I have to admit that I have been masturbating my brains out at the activity between my wife Helen and her lover, David who as most of my fellow cuckolds will know, is black.
Most nights I sit in the corridor outside their bedroom - they sleep with the door open - and listen to the sounds of their love-making and on lighter nights can see the..
Are there any black cuckolds out there, who get turned on by, not just WHITE men fucking their wives, but BLOND N BLUE EYED men, not just FUCKING their wives, but actually BREEDING their wives with Mulatto babies!
The black cuckoldress, the black cuckold & the blond stud! LOVELY, LOVELY triangle!
Ben gilmoor (I am a cuckold, sissy, chased sex slave) date 27/08/2011
My mistress has given me consent to describe her to you as we had such a good response from my first story.
She stands 5 feet 8 inches in her heels; she has short blonde hair (at the moment)
And brown eyes .She is maybe a little over weight but that’s fine, she always dresses formally i.e. covered from he..
It all started in 7th grade when Steven moved to town. After about 2 weeks he had decided i was gonna be the nerd he picked on. He did everything from just pushing me down to walking up to me at lunch, hawking up huge loogies in my food and forcing me to eat it. In 8th grade,classes were changing and he pantsed me boxers and all in the crowded hallway. And by this point i hadnt really started to ..
It has been a while since I posted anything about my situation, but this summer has been kind of rough with my husband since telling him about the sex I had with other men after we were married. I still have never told him about my son's friend "J".
In the month of June I told "J" I needed to quit playing for a little while. He took it a little hard but respected my wishes. Just did..
My gf is really flirty and this has sparked off somethin in me which I now know is a desire to be a cuckold, to share her with other guys. Last Xmas we were at a Xmas Party at college. My gf decided she wanted to Xmas kiss all the guys. I watched as she toured every guy at the party getting into real steamy clinches with them, wet french kisses throwing her arms around their neck. Many of them ..
My name is Ben Gilmoor and I am a Cuckold - Sissy- sex slave.
I have been a slave to my Mistress/wife for over 15 years she has enslaved me in every way which I thank her for. This is a true story of one evening serving my mistress and lover.
My mistress summoned me to her bedroom and instructed me to dress in my best sissy dress with no knickers and to go and pick up her long time l..