I think most cuckold's have bisexual tendencies , and afraid to talk to there spouse about it . That is my case and finally I came out . I have been enjoying cock before I ever thought of pussy . I have been married 3 times had 4 children with my 1st wife and also tried to get her to have sex with other men . She never wanted anything to do with that , but some nights when she came home after bei..
We been in lifestyle for about 6 years. Finally after shutdown we were able to go to Aruba for a vacation.
I'm 58 my wife Karen 54 4"10 38d brown hair bedroom eyes. Well first day Karen at beach in her skin tight bikini sun bathing as I was getting us drinks at the bar. I come back an older guy was chatting her up .
His name was Doug in his sixties pretty good..
Medy and I met while I was stationed overseas. Her father was white and mother Filipino. She is petite with jet black hair a beautiful face with big brown eyes.
She stands only 5’ tall but has curvy hips and a firm ass. Her breast are small but firm. Her smile will light up a dark room.
I met her at a local market where she worked. She was very shy and blew ..
I started writing this about 3 years or so ago. It long and in 6 parts. I never finished it at the time and just got busy doing other things. Then, only recently I got writing again, so now it is complete. I hope you enjoy my ramblings.
When I started to write this we haven’t been back from our trip to the UK very long. It was so good that we want to do it again. My wife an..
My wife and I are a couple and have been together for 9 years. We lived together for 2 years, so now married for 7. My wife Dana is a schoolteacher and is working full time now as our kids attend school.
Before kids, Dana worked at different school and got very friendly with a male teacher. His name is Paul. Nothing happened but they were good friends and spent lots of free tim..
Me and my wife started having my friend join us during sex. We tried a few times before but we couldn't get hard. A couple of weeks ago we did it and he got hard but I didn't. Then a week later it finally worked out good. Tonight we're planning on doing it, but I'm thinking of just sitting back and watching them fuck and then me and her fuck afterwards. I'm trying to find out some things she can s..
I met my husband just after getting dumped by my college boyfriend. We dated all through school and when he signed to play semi pro ball, he dumped me before he left town.
I was in love with him and wanted him to marry me. I was left feeling lost and not sure what to do after school.
I met my husband through mutual friends on a blind date. He was cute but no hunk li..
My wife, at my request and lots of convincing has had other lovers. Most have been MFM three ways. Then she told me a married guy that was hitting on her. She asked me if it was ok that she has a “Secret” affair with him. She liked the idea of the clandestine taboo affair. I thought it a great idea and of course, approved.
They sexted for about a week and agreed on an early ..
My wife Sara has a boyfriend called Mark, who is in our relationship. He is younger and very much an alpha male. He scratches my wife’s itch as well as mine. We had a very intense times with him, which was incredibly hot and satisfying, but also emotionally exhausting.
We and especially Sara decided that we needed to take a bit of a break from having a third person. It’s been ..
We have been married 12 years and had only talked about our fantasies and did a little play acting of them. My wife Candice had quite a few boyfriends before she met me, and she had sex with most of them. Some were only one timers who didn’t rate being given another chance. I did alright myself, but I cannot claim to have had as many partners as she. Lucky girl.
I have never ..
My wife suffers from chronic back pain, her spine is deteriorating, and she is getting worse. Her mother stays with us to look after her. I haven’t had sex with my wife for 3 years. She has given me permission to get sex elsewhere, but I have to be safe, and she didn’t want to know about it.
My friends Mark and Sue knew that I’m a nudist. I sort of converted them to try it. ..
It's finally here. We've been talikng for years, but now it's real. Still not sure if it will really happen.
It's a long drive to JErsey. Plenty of time for one of us to back out.
Guess we're really doing this. We've made it to the bar and neither of us want to stop. Time to fulfill
his fantasy!
As soon as we walk in my eye is drawn to him from across the room. He waves..
We started this hotwifing/sharing about 4 years ago. She has been fucked by 9 different men in the last 4 years. She openly admits that she enjoys the attention and the fucking tremendously. She likes her regulars but gets terribly excited when she is going to date someone new. She is open to me to set up some meets if I can find someone suitable. n
I’ve known since the first ti..
I’ve been seeing a new lover now for a few dates. It was Friday night and he called me. He wanted me to come and join him in his hot tub. I didn’t even have to think twice. I knew that a good sized, throbbing, amazingly sexy cock was waiting for me.
I quickly got ready and said bye to my husband. I told him not to wait up. I didn’t know how long I would actually stay but..
My wife Karen and I recently visited Key West for a long weekend. We needed to get away as pandemic restrictions are being loosened and we needed to get away from the cold northeast early spring.
Karen and I are both 53, have been married for 27 years and have 3 adult kids. We have had an active sex life which has recently slowed a bit due to age, but still very good.
To start things off, my wife and I have an open marriage. She has sexual affairs with other men and I have got some cuckold tendencies, as well. I have been away from home for the past two weeks for work purposes and came back home this last Saturday morning. I wanted to have a release but didn’t as kids were home and I really didn’t have enough time to do anything with my wife as I had to ..
My first wife Kiley and I were together since high school and got married when we were 24. Since day one, we had a semi-open relationship where although sometimes I would be involved, it mostly consisted of her fucking other guys or girls with me watching or with my knowledge.
It started out more as slut wifing, where I encouraged a lot of it and even "gave" her over to friends for ..
This girl Richa(name changed) I met at my office, in a new team. She looks like celebrity and was of my same age. I had a small crush on her the very day I saw her but came to know that she was married an year ago and had a girl child born two months back. We became friends overtime and I would take her out for tea most of the days. We used to have some funny fights and I never miss a chance to to..
I haven't been so fortunate to have had the opportunity to clean my wife after she is with her boyfriend. He lives in another city that she usually travels to several times a month for work. That has been on hold mostly because of the restrictions but they are figuring it will start up again and she's very happy about it, as am I.
During the endless months of shutdowns I did my very..
Sarah and I met after I graduated college. She said as an intern dental hygienist. Made my visits to the dentist a lot more palatable.A natural platinum blonde doll. She’s short at 5’ 2” and about 125 pounds. Medium sized breast with an amazing ass. Her fair skin and big ice blue eyes framed in her straight shoulder length almost white hair made her look like an angel.
It t..